Ice Hockey

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Desc: Just some wholesome Sovame husbands. This goes with my LJBH universe, but it's not part of the main storyline. It's fluff, baby, all fluff. And hockey. And kisses.

America whooped, pumping his fist in the air triumphantly. "Hell yeah! I win!"

"By one point," Soviet retorted, gliding over to his husband. The pond at America's Michigan home had finally frozen over enough for them to skate, and they celebrated with a game of hockey. Being that it was only them two playing, it couldn't really be considered a game. America had an outstanding offense, but a good defense was the best offense in Soviet's opinion. In the end, that proved wrong, and America had won, 4-3.

"Just like the 80s, huh?" America said, wrapping his arms around Soviet's waist. Soviet groaned at the mention of the so-called "Miracle On Ice", where the American Olympic team had beat the 4-time winning Soviet team.

"Kiss?" America stood on his tiptoes in his skates, which was really just the front of his blades. How he managed to do that in hockey skates without hurting himself was a mystery.

"No. You brought up the Olympics." Soviet smiled down at his husband, who pouted.

"That's mean. I won, I deserve a kiss."

"I suppose I can't argue with that logic," Soviet said, giving America a small kiss. America made a noise that could only be described as petulant and kissed Soviet properly, his lips warm despite the freezing temperatures. Soviet's hand cupped America's cheek, deepening the kiss just slightly. America tasted like the hot cider he'd been drinking.

America pulled away, pressing his forehead to Soviet's. "It's getting cold, we should go in."

"One more kiss?"

America laughed. "One more kiss."

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