The birthday

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Finally! My birthday. For whatever reason, I love birthdays, especially mine. Plus, it happened during the weekend this year. However, I am not a "party" person. I prefer a small little gatherings with my two best friends since middle school: Cami and Jack. I am still laying in bed, thinking about the things I could do on this special day.

- "Good morning and happy birthday sweetheart!", my mother declares near my ear.

- "Thanks mom!"

After a big hug, I am left alone in my messy room. It is time for me to prepare my outfit. Dress or pants? A skirt, maybe? Pants, for sure.

After putting on my black jeans and off-the-shoulder red shirt, I go downstairs to eat breakfast. Pancakes with syrup and pineapple juice... Yummy.

The birthday party was going really well. I was in the living room with Jack and Cami: we were talking about our exams while stuffing our faces with chips and watching "The Vampire Diaries", even though everyone says it's for twelve years olds.

After that, my mom brang my favorite cake of all time: raspberry cake with whipped cream.

Cami offered me a wonderful "BFF" necklace, and Jack gave me a beautiful portrait of my favorite scientist of all time: Marie Curie.

 It was now nighttime. 

- "Have fun sweetie!", my mom shouts before loudly closing the door. My parents had to go work because they had some kind of emergency at the hospital. 

So, I came up with the stupidest idea I ever had, surely because of amount of sweets and chips I have ingested:

- "Guys, let's go to the school's science class!", I shout. I know, I sound like a nerd, but it's my birthday and I love making science experiments.

- "What?", they both react. Are you out of your mind Claire?"

- "It would really mean the world to me if we all went together there! Please, just think about it.", I beg, showing them my best pouting face.

- "But... That's completely illegal..." Cami said.

Cami and Jack are my only best friends. We are used to going to each other's houses. We are in the same school, but don't have the same exact age. They are actually older than me, which makes sense since my birthday is in December. Cami is also a nerd, but she isn't that interested in science: she's basically seen like the moralist of the group. Jack, however, is an absolute Mathematics and Computer-Science lover. He is identified as the spontaneous and careless one: he doesn't really care about rules. I am actually quite like Cami, we but I tend to overthink... A lot, which is why Cami and Jack were so perplex about my suggestion. I even am surprised of myself. 

- "Whatever, it's your day. You choose wherever we go. I'm in." Jack spontaneously says. No surprise there.

Thinking about it, my proposition wasn't that insane. We have been in the same school since primary school, so we know all of the corridors and entrances by heart. That's why I'm not afraid to get caught.

- "Come on Cami! Please say yes!" Jack and I know that she is Cami is easily persuadable.

- "I mean... Ok, why not. But we aren't going to touch anything"

- "Yeah, we'll see.", I respond with a smirk.

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