79 | personal

11 3 0

invade my space,
push me out of my zone of comfort

only in your arms do i find genuine peace,
while layered with warmth and butterflies;
i erupt in a smile

something only you make me do,
something i attempt to recreate sometimes

stretching my mouth oh so widely,
oh so painfully; i break
like a shattered mirror, as shards
of my sanity come undone;

i witnessed my own harsh truth,
the truth known as my inability
to grasp happiness
without you in mind

t h e b r o k e n o n e s

pls stay safe and continue signing petitions and donating for the black lives matter movement<3

if you are protesting, please remain safe and look up ways to prepare yourself for it!

dm me for any questions on petitions or anything else! love u all

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