85 | flooded garden

13 4 4

TW: mentions of abandonment!

it's hard to push away
what you've already deemed as normal;
separating yourself from familiarity
is oh so similar
to weeds in a garden

the place where you thought
you would grow is actually
blemished and tainted with
faults at every corner

your growth is being halted
but you are too deep in to see

to see misery being painted
in a pretty picture resembling love,
an illusion at best;

you made it your quest
to move on to the next
whenever you're left
surrounded by water but unquenched;

they call you insatiable;
maybe the lies weren't pleasing enough
and maybe your ears gotten tired
of listening to the same buzz

the same deafening sound
of them not being around
and leaving you to drown
in the water that surrounds;

the water,
the weeds,
the embodiment of misery;

are you starting to finally see?
you are in need of better company

t h e b r o k e n o n e s

hello everyone!! :D its so nice to write and release some emotions, i've been in dire need of healthier coping mechanisms for my mental health😅
#oversharing #justpostthepoemandgo

anyways doe, lemme know how u guys r doin🥺 i hate online school with a passion n i miss my friends but hm, the thought of hanging out with others gives me anxiety🤔🤔 so i'll be okay with being alone😁👍

also just to lyk, i added a trigger warning bc writing this triggered me a bit, due to the realistic elements of it. ofc i wouldn't want to inflict that on others so i added it just to ensure that! :^)

it's like 12am where i am and i have school tmr so imma close up here!
i hope u all r doing well and enjoy this lengthy poem !! <3

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