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Bradley was the least sucky of my sister's many previous boyfriends. He was the only one that didn't break her heart. She at least liked him for a little because she brought him home. That was a pretty big deal because she was so embarrassed of all of us. Especially me. I was her younger sister, but she preferred to tell people I was adopted. I guess it was believable when she was a tall, skinny brunette and I on the other hand had no resemblence. Basically, I did not appeal to the male species whatsoever. As dramatic as that sounds, I can't say I was invisible. You see I wasn't the tiniest person. I was quite the opposite infact. On many occasions my family tried to recruit me for 'The Biggest Loser.' Among my most used nicknames were "precious jr." And "fat Albert two point O". I could never understand why people would only look my way to have a laugh. They made it seem like being big was a sin, a flaw, like I was the definition of ugly. I'll still never understand to This day why people think less of you because of your weight. Anyway as I was saying, jade always tried to hide me from her boyfriends, although it was virtually impossible to not see a 275 pound 5 foot girl. It's not that I was comfortable in my skin, it's just that I didn't have the motivation to change. But then people started to laugh and make fat jokes. I could handle that at first, but then it started to get worse and that's when I knew that things needed to be different. If being thin would make them stop, then that's what I would have to do. It wasn't really what I wanted, though, because weight doesn't affect your personality and it doesn't define your beauty. For me, it wasn't to make me prettier because I don't believe losing weight can make you prettier, it was about making it all stop. Jade, however believed I would be the downfall of her reputation, so she did everything she could to distance herself from me. We were never that close, but I never knew how ashamed she was of me until high school. She made it clear enough to stay out of her way. But, She didn't have to make sure I spent freshmen year without a friend. It was already hard enough. Things got progressively worse with her and Sometimes it even reached extremes like leaving School without me, so Id have to walk miles to get home. she claimed it was really for my benefit in order to shed a few pounds. Yeah okay. I liked her bradley phase though because he was different and that made her different. Dare I say it, she was almost nicer to me. he didn't go out of his way to be my friend, but he also wasn't a dick like the rest of them were. He acknowledged my presence with the occasional, "hi, how are you?" However, all of that stopped when he and his band got a record deal, which lead to a UK tour. He wanted to make it work with jade, but she made him choose. And like any sentimentel person would do, he chose the girl, that is until the rest of the band told him to pull his shit together and dump the heartless bitch. I couldn't agree more boys, I really couldn't. The day he had to leave, he came to say goodbye to her, and that's when he walked in on her and some douchebag. She didn't try to deny their affair that pretty much started the day she and bradley began. She didn't need him. She wasn't hurt when he left. He didn't break her heart because she broke his first. But then he left and never came back. All of that anger and pain was directed well, however, because it made for a hell of an album that jade Doesnt know I secretly listen to. That was the summer I began losing weight. It wasn't easy and it wasn't quick, but by senior year i had dropped one hundred and seventy five pounds. I'm currently in the first quarter of my final year in high school and let me tell you one common misconception. People think that losing weight fixes your life. It changes nothing except your Appearance and your state of health. I still have a shit sister, who hates me even though I'm as small as her now and I still have no friends. My life is rather constant and while it's not the most desirable, it could be worse. I'm just trying to make it through school. I never expected things to change and never in a million years did the thought of a relationship cross my mind. Especially not a fake one. Most certainly not a tabloid love with a wide eyed british boy trying to find a way back in to my sister's heart. But that's the thing about the unknown, it's never what we expect, not even in our wildest dreams. Because who could have predicted I'd end up under a September sky, with the right love and the wrong intention.

Dancing in September (A Bradley Simpson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now