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Whatever? Just a whatever for an apology? Cattrailette (Cat-trail-ette) started to paw the ground and turn into a dragoncat. Cattrailette suddenly burst with anger. She had enough. She turned into to a dragoncat and swooped up to eat/kill Deathbone. Cattrailette caught her leg. Deathbone turned into a phoenix, but that didn't help. "Ms. Feathera! Ms. Feathera!" Deathbone screeched in her phoenix voice. Wow, what a crybaby, Cattrailette thought. "If you want to kill Deathbone, then you have to figure out the hardest logical sjtahe (shu-ja-ta-he) sjtaheplucation ever, that even I can't figure it out," Ms. Feathera (the teacher) replied. "I thought you were my aunt, and you taught me that if you are mad at someone, then you should probably kill that someone. In this case, Deathbone is the someone I'm talking about." Cattrailette responded. There was an awkward silence."Okay, fine," Ms. Feathera finally said. "No Ms. Feathera!" Deathbone cried, while Cattrailette pulled off Deathbone's foot. "Come on in, class," Ms. Feathera said "I don't want you to see this happening," "No!" the class screamed. "Come on in, or else I'll allow Cattrailette kill you all," Ms. Feathera said, but more fiercely. The class surrendered, and went back into the classroom. "Please, do not kill me. I promise you anything, but to harm or do anything to me." Deathbone said weakly. I guess I can at least spare a life, Cattrailette thought. Cattrailette swooped down and Deathbone landed peacefully. "If you say that you will do anything I want, then you have to..." Cattrailette's voice trailed off. Deathbone's face looked like she was (obviously) scared of  the answer. " have to live with me. I know you are an orphan, because your mother and father both got killed in a war. I'm not an orphan, so you have to live with me, and be my sister!" Deathbone's face looked relieved. "But, we have to quit school." Cattrailette said. "Yes, I'm fine with that. Let's fly home, now!" Deathbone exclaimed. "Wait, there's one more thing. You have to change your name into, mmm... let's see. Oh! You can be named Charlottetta (Charlotte-etta)!" Cattrailette announced triumphantly. The look on Deathbon- er, I mean Charlottetta's face looks like she's saying, You know that you don't have to say that so triumphantly. Well who cares! I get a sister, and she won't dare to say no! Cattrailette did not know that she was beginning a dangerous destiny just by having a new sister in her family. 

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