The War of Death

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"For you can control your sjtahe (shu-ja-ta-he) magic by using a critical magical elemental tool called a, ugh, MOM!!!!!!!!! Homeschooling is annoying!!!!!!!!"Charlottetta said, getting use to treating her new mom like her own, and getting use to say mom to her new mom. "Keep reading, wiftkit (wift-kit)! It's good for you!" her mom said. "Fine. For you can control your sjtahe magic by using a critical magical elemental tool called a microdigital-forcasually vicrotool. Seriously, Cattrailette. You call this fun? This is totally not fun, if you ask me." Charlottetta said. "Yeah, I agree. We have to do super boring stuff and we also have to fill in very hard questions." Cattrailette said in a very annoyed face. "I thought mom meant the other type of homeschooling," "What other homeschooling?" Charlottetta said suspiciously. "Oh! The other type homeschooling is way better. We get to go on dangerous missions and figure out who did that or who did this. It's very-" Cattrailette got interrupted by her mom saying," Oh, that was the homeschooling you wanted. I knew you guys were uncomfortable with something. I could feel it. I wanted to-" She got interrupted by shouting and screaming and magic clanging together. IT sounded like a war just got in action. What the heck. I thought the war of death was going to start in 6 moons, not now! What is going on! Cattrailette and Charlottetta both thought. "Oh, for heavens sake! I should of told you guys way earlier that you guys are the characters of destiny! You guys did not learn the prophecy of destiny. It is, For on a suspicious day, thee shall get your own way, and howl and scream for faith. The characters of destiny shall lead the crew, or else they will lead themselves to the death dew. The oldest will force an enemy to her family, and their mother must be named amily (am-mill-ly). The war shall start in unconsciousness, but end in unrighteousness. The good shall be freed, but the bad will be killed, so the city of BronzeLand shall be destroyed by the characters of destiny. Only then, BronzeLand shall be freed from evil. Kids, that is the prophecy. Cattrailette, you have all the powers and you know how to control it. Charlottetta, you have the unknown power, which is every power except invisibility. That is the truth of all your powers, now go up in the sky and the people that are wearing black and red are evil sjtahe's, but the rest are good people. Use your levatational powers to get the good sjtahe's off their feet and into the dew of protection. And then make a plan to defeat..." she stopped to think. Suddenly, a black and red magic arrow shot her heart. She froze and then fell to the ground. "Mom!" they both cried. "You aren't going anywhere. The only pair of sjtahe's that can kill me is the characters of destiny." said a very deep voice. "WE ARE THE CHARACTERS OF DESTINY!!" they both yelled at the same time. They added their magic together and created a magic TNT that no one ever made out of magic. They threw the magic TNT onto the sjtahe and it died with a crack. The "crack" sound meant that someone died because a magic TNT killed a person. The fighting died down. Cattrailette and Charlottetta shot up to the sky by breaking the roof of their house. They then did what they were told to do. They used their levatational powers to bring the good to the dew of protection, where nobody can go in except of the characters of destiny and their crew. Once they were safe in the dew of protection, everybody started to shout," Cattrailette and Deathbone! Cattrailette and Deathbone!" because they didn't know that Deathbone changed her name. "My name is now Charlottetta." Charlottetta said. They made a plan that nobody would know.  They were also facing a great deal of danger with them. The bad sjtahe's were planning, too.

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