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I was one of the beta testers in the famous game SAO or better known as Sword Art Online. My uncle , Akihiko Kanyaba, created this game. It was a shock to me when he told me his plan to trap people in the game. He told me , I could live forever in the game. So I took that offer. I went on into the game as told. And when everyone in the game was teleported to the main area. The game master started to speak to us.

Before hand I knew what was going to happen. People were going to look like what they do in real life. When he told us to check our inventory for a mirror I looked around and saw people freaking out and screaming. But one guy caught my attention. He had black hair and dark blue eyes. He wasn't screaming or scared. He took out his mirror and so did I. Soon I looked in the mirror. I had blue eyes and white long hair. I closed my eyes and felt myself change. Once I opened them I saw my hair was black. But my eyes were red. I looked exactly like I did in real life. I looked over at the boy and saw he changed as well his hair was shorter but the eyes were the same. He looked cute. But I shook my head, as soon as the barriers went down I ran out to 'farm' . I ran to the fields and started to level on wild boars. Level by level and soon I reached level six. I smiled at my progress. I looked around and saw no one around me. But I had that feeling of being watched.

I kept leveling and soon met a boss in the fields. I was at a good level but I was low on health. I decided to run when I saw another guy run straight at it. His eyes show fear and he ran. I knew then he had lost the will to live. I scowled and followed him to battle. He was knocked to the side losing half his health. I attacked the beast from behind and got it down to a close one health point.

I jumped back as it used it skill. Then I threw my ruby sword at it, killing it. I looked at my health and it was close to gone. I took out a health potion and drank it. I then walked over to the guy and talked to him.

"Are you mad?" I questioned, "Going into a battle like that would kill you."

"I am mad!! What aren't you scared?! We are all going to die!!" He screamed, his eyes were pierced with fear and anguish.

"No we are going to survive. Adapt to our problems. We are only human but the least we can do is adapt. " I said staring at him. He soon started to calm down and his eyes no longer show a will to die. I turned around to leave when he did something I never expect him to say, "Thank you."

I smiled at the thought and walked off. I was at a good level now. Level ninteen and climbing. I went to a nearby town to gather supplies when I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry! I didn't see where I was going!" She said helping me up.

"Oh.. Don't worry I should be sorry..." I said. I saw both of us wore capes which hid our faces.

"I'm Asuna. What about you?" She asked.

I decided to give her my real name, "My name is Kanra."

"How about to say I'm sorry lets be friends." She asked.

"Sure!" I said as we both pulled out our menus and accepted friend request. Soon we both went every where together. Then we both got a message from Diabel. A person we don't know.

"Meeting at one in the afternoon? So you trust this?" Asuna asked me.

"It better then what we were doing... After all it is in town. They cant kill us." I said. She nodded and we stood up and went to the town's tower. There was stairs and it looked like a stage. It was right infront of the clock tower. We sat right at the top of the steps away from everyone. Just then a person with blue hair and blue eyes stood infront of the stadium.

"Okay let's get started! Thank your for coming today. My name is Diabel. I liked to consider my job as a knight!" He said. Everyone started laughing and me and Asuna couldn't help but giggle along. But soon his expression turned serious. I soon stopped laughing and watch with the same expression.

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