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I gasped. "Harry?" He smirked, and took my hand, pulling me up. "The one and only." He told me. Niall walked up to me and grabbed my face between his hands gently, studying it for injuries. Harry glared at him.

"Niall. Back the fuck off. She's fine." He snapped, annoyed. Niall stopped, and his hands dropped to his sides. "Are you two dating?!?" He cried. I shook my head, but stared at Harry. Why did he yell at Niall?

"Hell no." Harry sniped. My face turned red as my heart shattered. "Fine. Whatever. I didn't want to be in a relationship with you anyways." I thought. They both turned to me. Oh Shit. I said it out loud.

"We just met!" Harry looked at me like I was a psycho. "Why the hell would you assume this is a relationship?!?" He screeched, but in a perfect angels voice. I widened my eyes and my eyebrows flew up. "Dude! Chill out! Ever heard of sarcasm?!?" I snapped. He suddenly froze.

"Oh. Uhm...My apologies." He muttered. "I have to go. Fancy seeing you again." He brushed past me. British people and their words. I stared after him, shocked. Of course I didn't want to be in a relationship with him, but I had felt something- I stopped myself and turned to Niall. "What the actual Fuck." I giggled and he held out an arm. I wrapped my own through it and we lumbered down the hallway, pretending as though nothing just happened and we'd known each other our entire lives, when in reality, it was the exact opposite.

"So, here is your dorm." Niall stopped in front of a door with the golden numbers 207 on the front, and knocked. "Hold on. Uni Momentous!" A voice yelled, and I giggled as Niall kept knocking. The door flung open and Nialls hand froze mid-knock. Smoke poured and swirled out of the room and I coughed, already feeling dizzy. Then the girl came into view.

She was pretty, though barely visible in the smoke filled room. She stepped out and closed the door behind her. "Wanting some pot?" She smiled, and although she clearly was on multiple drugs, she also had perfectly square and white teeth. Must be something in the food- "Two bags for six hundred." She held up two tiny plastic bags filled with a brown powdery substance. Niall shook his head but winked at me with a smile.

"Nah, not right now. But, Layne." He told her. She raised an eyebrow. "This is Hedrix, your new roommate." He told her. She took in my appearance before glancing at Niall.

"Great. Another new roommate." She sighed. "Come on in, I'm sure you wont be staying long anyways." She led me through the smoke filled room, me tripping every few seconds and Niall catching me. Her long dirty blonde hair was shiny and pretty, and she wore KD's and a snapback. She opened a door, and as soon as we were through, closed it behind us. I gasped. The air was completely clear, and the room itself was beautiful.

Although bare, it had a king sized canopy bed, with white curtains hanging down over it. The pillows and comforter were green, and so were the walls. A mint green...my favorite. And although the furniture and color scheming were a bit girly, the room seemed made for me. "This," She smile at me. "Is your room." She walked forward, and opened a new set of doors which led to my bathroom. "I have my own bathroom...This is yours."

A jacuzzi tub, a step-in shower, and a plush covered floor, with various soaps in the cabinets was what greeted me. I blinked back tears. I went from sharing a closet sized room with three other girls to...this. I felt like a princess. She showed me around the flat, which was more like an apartment than a dormitory, fully equipped with a kitchette and all. Even Niall seemed impressed. "How the hell did you get this place?" He let out a low whistle. "My mom..." She smiled.

"Well, you're lucky as Fuck." Niall said, and I laughed. "So, Niall, I see you got youreself a real girl." She seemed proud of him, and I wondered what their relationship was. But then it dawned on me that she thought we were a couple. I shook my head, my face beginning to heat already. "No, no, no. We-" I gestured towards the two of us. "Are just friends. Nothing more." I told her.

"Yet." Niall mumbled. I had the feeling he didn't want me to hear this, so I clamped my mouth shut. She smirked.

"How long ago did you lovebirds meet?" She asked. I decided to ignore her use of vocabulary and let Niall answer. Niall glanced at me with a small smile. "Today." He told her. At Layne's face, Niall and i looked at reach other and burst into laughter. Her eyebrows shot up.

"Today?!?!? What the hell?!?" She shrieked. "You two act like you've been best friends since forever!" We both shrugged, still laughing. "That just means that you guys are like, made to be." She told us, still shocked.

"Me and Harry are made to be." She continued. "I know he said he doesn't date, but we've been on three already." My laughter suddenly ceased, and i stared at her.

"Harry Styles?" I asked. When she nodded, confused, i glanced at Niall. "Im gonna go unpack." He was looking at me, and i grabbed my bags and carried them into the room without a word. Niall followed me, and we both sat on the bed. I heard a knock at the front door, and it soon opened.

"Harry? We were just talking about you! Our rather i was, and they were listening." Great. What fucking perfect timing. I heard the couch squeak. They were sitting down, and my heart exploded. Harry was here, in my dorm. He and my roommate had a thing. I was crazy jealous, and we didn't even know each other. Niall and I stared, side by side, though we were still listening.

"They who?" He asked. She laughed. "My new roommate. And Niall." She told him. I heard a sharp gasp, and i assumed it was Harry's. The walls suddenly began to close in on me, and I took this as my cue to walk out. Niall shut the door behind us. "Hey. We're gonna go find a coffee shop or something. We'll leave you two lovebirds alone." I snapped, annoyed. Why was i annoyed? Both she and Niall looked at me like i was crazy, but Harry looked at me like... He understood. But what he understood, i don't know.

"Hedrix, we -" He pointed to himself and Layne. "Aren't together. " He honestly believed it, i could see it in his eyes. He stood, facing me completely. "I swear, Not like that." Layne gasped, Her eyes going wide. I shrugged, and turned back to Niall. "Goodbye Harry. Ready to go?" I asked him. He looked at Harry, then back to me, then nodded.

"Hedrix..." Harry called after me. I shut the door behind me on my way out.

"I don't understand...What's going on between you and Harry?" Niall asked me. I pondered over this, Not answering. What was going on with us? He flipped out when Niall touched me. I completely freaked when he came over to speak with Layne. Even her name sent a spurt of hatred through my veins, and before all this I'd thought she was pretty cool.


"Hello?" Niall waved his hand in front of my face. "You and Harry?" He asked. I looked at him.

"I have no clue." I told him, and he looked confused. "Well I've never seen him act like that. Always on the defense...or freaking out because someone touches a girls face." He told me honestly.

This made my heart pound. That meant that he was acting different because of me. Or maybe because of something else, but honestly i liked the first option best.

"Well, how'd you two meet anyway?" He asked me. I smiled and told him about the train, leaving out the nightmare's details. But of course, he asked. "Well... about my past?" I told him, not willing to talk about it. He seemed to get the hint, and nodded. "Well, let's get our date started." He rubbed his hands together eagerly, and i laughed. Date? He took my hand, and dragged me down the hallways with a speed I didn't think possible, and out the doors, rambling the whole way.

"Oh my god, no fucking way." He gasped. "You've never had Starbucks!?!" I blushed and shook my head. I mean sure, I'd heard of it, but I've never actually had it. It was kind of dispiriting that he had, and he was a guy. "No, it's not only for girls." He told me. I groaned. "I said that aloud too?" He nodded, and his face had an adorable pouty look. I laughed and knocked his shoulder with mine. He laughed and we continued until we arrived at the sacred and holy Starbucks cafe.

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