Chapter 1

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"Ms Alison here are the chart updates you requested. The demands for the new product is increasing," my employee said.


"Ms Alison, manager ma'am, we got feed back on our social statuses. We are #trending, #awesomesauce, #supscool #helpful. We are officially as big as the 'whoa' and Beyonce's Lemonade album," my secretary said.

"Nice work."

"Ms Alison, the president is on the phone for you, he says he wants you at his next meeting just because you are amazing," my personal assistant told me.

"Tell him he'll have to wait with the others." I walked in my office: a decent large, prestigiously furnished office with floor to ceiling windows. "Home," I sighed.

Behind me, staff and fans crowded against my door and the glass barrier separating the office stalls from my office, chanting my name, "Jamie! Jamie! Jamie! Jamie!.."


"Yeah, I'm amaz...ow," I groaned as I felt the hard wood floor under my face. Did I fall on the floor again?
I brought my hands to my head and winced as I saw a figure tower over me, it wasn't until my vision cleared that I realised it was Yun Wang.

"Hey, you're going to be late for your interview." She slightly nudged me on the thigh with her foot, "Get up and go get dressed. You're lucky I didn't pour you with ice water this time." She then walked away, mumbling in Korean at how lazy I was and how I slept like an 80 year old, that even her granny didn't sleep like that.

I scrunched my nose and retorted back in Korean at how she was such an untidy roommate. I stood up and got a glance of the clock. I cursed under my breath, seeing that there was 30 minutes till my interview.

I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and slipped on something presentable: a black pencil skirt, white shirt, and a pair of white converse.

"Hey Yun, where is my deodorant?" I asked in Korean.

"What am I, your deodorant keeper?"


I decided to leave the deodorant and took my grey coat, a brown satchel, a pair of black heels and my house keys.

The streets were crowded with busy pedestrians, everyone having some place to be - like me. I wore my coat as I stood by the curb, waving my thumb in the air for a cab, but none stopped. A man stood in front of me and did the same as I and in less than a minute a cab pulled over for him to enter. I tried to get in, but someone beat me to it. "Are you kidding me?" The person simply shrugged and it drove off. After some more waving, hailing and whistling, a cab stopped for me.

"Outta the way blondie."

I was shoved to the side by a tall, large body-built woman with cut sleeves, ripped jeans and a tattoo of a flaming angry skull on her right arm.

"Uhm, excuse me? That's my cab."

"Not anymore, chopsticks."

There was no way I was going to let some body building lady take my cab while I was already running late so I did what any logical New Yorker would do in that situation.

I tackled her.

"What the-what are you doing? Get off of me!"

"Get! Away! From my cab!" She stumbled around trying to balance the weight upon her back while prying my hands off her neck.

"Are you crazy!?"

I had an interview for one of the most successful companies in the world and I was about 20 minutes away from loosing it and I wasn't about to let that happen. If tackling a grown woman would assure me of my job then I would do it. So yes, I guess I was crazy.

"Uugh! You can't just take people's cab!"

She bent over again and again as if she were having a contortion. "It's just a cab!"

"It's my job on the line!" She pried my hands off and I fell butt first on the concrete sidewalk.

"You're CRAZY!!" She yelled before walking away.

"Success!" I said with hands up and a smile. It was then I realised people passing bye were looking at me. "What? Never seen a girl wrestle for a cab before? Pfff you need to go out more." I turned and realised the cab was gone. Crap. I decided to walk down the street, hoping a different location would give me better luck.

I stuck my thumb out and saw the yellow and black taxicab coming. I thought it was going to stop but it passed, splashing in the sewer water that puddled by the curb. I brought my hands to my eyes and wiped off the smelly water. Gross. The taxicab slowly reversed and the window winded down. "Yikes, didn't see ya there. Sorry 'bout that," the taxicab driver said.

I looked down at myself and examined the damage on my clothes: my white shirt was partly wet and had a brown-green stain forming, my skirt was also partly wet along with my coat which had dark grey splotches, my used to be white converse had stains on and it felt squishy inside - good thing I had the heels. "Where you headed?" The driver asked with a look of disgust and sympathy, but mostly disgust.

" 46 Maine street, Young Incorporated."

"Hop in."


"Thank you s-" I was cut short by something thin and long in my mouth. I searched my mouth with a finger and pulled it that-is that hair? I cringed and threw it out the window.

"Name's Andy," the driver said as he started driving.

He kept glancing at me front the rear view mirror, scrunching his nose. "What?" I asked finally annoyed.

"Ya kinda stink." He winded down all four windows and I had to roll my eyes - I couldn't possibly smell that bad. It was just sewer water.

The car came to a halt forcing me forward with my forehead landing hard on the back of passenger seat. "Ow."

"Oops, sorry 'bout that. Seems like we got traffic. Yikes."

I looked through the windshield at the long line of cars rowed in front and beside us - the beginning was not visible.

"You have got to be kidding me."



Tis I, the writer😀
Thanks for reading!
I'll try to make it spontaneous and interesting.

Toodles 👋
Abby Valentine

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