Chapter 3

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"You can't go in."

"I have too."



"I'm calling security."

"Whoa, Gladys c'mon. I'm sure you can squeeze her in."

"Yeah, what the kid said."

"Kid? I'm-I'm not a kid."

"Gladys you've got to let me in."

"Sorry but I can-"

We all stopped when we heard the voice from the phone speaker, "Gladys where are the update I asked for?"

"My apologies Mr Young, it will be right there," she released the button on the phone and glared at me, " you need to leave. Now."

There was no way I was going to just leave so I did the most logical thing. No, no. I did not tackle her. I grabbed the stack of papers on her desk and barged into the office. My eyes quickly scanned the room, it was like in my dream but better. My eyes landed on the person in the large office chair: brown short straight hair, neatly styled, blue eyes and a look of confusion.

"I'm so sorry Mr Young. I told her to leave. Now let's go," she said pulling my arm.

"No wait-"

"Leave her."

"Are you sure sir?"

He shot her a scowl and she instantly let go of my arm.

"She smells interesting," I heard Fred say from the door while Gladys mumbled an "uggh" as she left, closing the double doors and I felt relieved. I looked back at the supposedly Mr Young. I saw why they must have called him that, he looked really young. Maybe he was the son of the CEO.

"Thanks for th-"

"What do you want?"

"I'm here for the interview."

He did the same as what everyone I came across had been doing, scanning me from head to toe.

"Really?" He asked sarcastically.

I dropped the papers on the desk, "Yeah. This is a really big deal to me so if you could get your dad up here for the interview, it would be really great."

"Mhmm...what's your name?"

"Jamie Alison," I said slumping into the office chair opposite him.

"What exactly is it you do?"

"Look at you acting all CEO," I scoffed. "Bet your dad is planning on giving you the company when your older. Then you can really be CEO."

"I am CEO."

"Yeah right," I laughed. I searched his face to find a hint of humour. There was nothing. "You're kidding, right?"

He stood from his chair and I got a better look of his cobalt blue suit and his tall lean frame. He walked over to me and leaned against the desk and gave me a charming smile with perfect teeth. Having him in closer range made me think otherwise on actually being the CEO. He looked like he could be my younger brother after Fred. There was just no way.

"No," his charming smile quickly died down and was replaced by a deadly glare. "I am the CEO."

"But you look like a kid."

"I'm 17 years old."

"You're a teenager?!"

"I'm a young adult," he stood beside me, hovering over my head with his hands in his pockets, "and you're.." his nose scrunched as he sniffed the air around me.

Oh gawd no. Don't smell, don't smell..

"Is that lavender and...shit."

The bad combination you get when you crap and the air freshener doesn't work right.

"Must be the sewer leakage."

"All the way to the 50th floor?"

"I know right, they should really get it fixed."

"I don't think you'll be suitable for the job."

"I am. I've got a degree in graphic designing and advertising. And I'm pretty good at editing. I'm perfect. Maybe better."

"You don't look better."

"Caused by some inconvenience, but it's not like this everyday I promise. I really need this job."

"The position has already been filled," he said, sitting in his chair. "You can go now."

"I skipped a shower and deodorant for this job, I tackled a woman for a cab, got sprayed with sewer water, paid $30 for a cab and didn't even get here, ran the rest of the way and lost my shoes in a manhole - those were real leather, only to find out I was 10 minutes late because my stupid time was wrong and that the CEO of the company I've been dreaming about working in is a teenager who thinks it's okay to play pretend. I've had a pretty shitty day!" My hands slammed on the desk, "And I'm not leaving until I get a chance. I want the real boss and if you think I'm going to leave then you're very mistaken. You'd have to dragged me out of here."

He pressed the intercom button on the telephone, "Security."

"Wait what."


The elevator doors opened and the two bulk men in black picked me up by the arms and walked towards the glass doors I first came through.

"You are not allowed to enter this building again," the black gaurd said.

"You are not allowed to be within a few feet of this entire premises," the white gaurd added.

"If so, you will be taken into custody."

"For trespassing."

"And violation of a peaceful working environment."

"You are hereof banned from Young Incorporated. Good day to you ma'am," they both said before leaving.



I walked into the kitchen and found Yun munching on a bowl of ramen. She paused when she saw me, dropping the ramen that was in-between her chopsticks. "Why you look like shit and smell like shit?"

I sighed and sat on the stool across from her by the island. "Because life sucks."

She reached for the drawer beside her and handed me chopsticks. I took it gladly and broke the two sticks before joining her.

"Thanks Yun."

"Just don't eat my beef."

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