Charmed: The Second Generation! 1x01! "Melinda Warren's Hidden Second Prophecy!"

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Chapter 3: The Power of Three Times Four is Now Born!

(Piper has just finished explaining to everyone what happened around three to four months after Melinda was born)!

Syrus: "So let me get this straight, I was born right on that table into your arms, and your husband Leo helped my father, Andy calm my mother, Prue down while she was in labor while 5 year old Wyatt, 4 year old Chris, around 3 month old Melinda, around 9 month pregnant Phoebe, around 5 or 6 month pregnant Paige, Coop, and Henry went onto the zoo! And that all of us are the most powerful family of wiccan good witches because of our first ancestor Melinda Warren Prophesied! Who is!? Was!? You know, I'm not very good with tenses!"

Scott and Stiles (in sync): "You never were!"

Syrus gave them an annoyed look!

Piper: "Just like your mother, Prue!"

Phoebe: "She was never good with tenses either!"


Piper: "Yeah! You remind me so much of her, Syrus! Stiles, you remind me so much of your father Andy! And Scott, you remind me so much of both of them combined!"

Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in sync) (in a tone of feeling honored): "Thanks!"

Syrus: "Anyways, so Melinda Warren, the first ever wiccan witch in our entire family line, created this entire prophesy, Piper?"

Piper: "Yeah, I know this seems all pretty crazy and your probably over whelmed with all of this! But, it's all true!"

Stiles: "Oh come on, Mrs. Halliwell,"

Piper: "Um, you guys can call me either Aunt Piper, or Piper!"

Stiles: "OK, Piper, stop messing with us are we your biological nephews or not!"

Piper: "Yes! 100% Yes!"

Stiles: "OK Then! Then Syrus, Scott, we are related to a family of lunatics!"

Syrus and Scott: "STilES!"

Stiles: "What?"

Syrus: "You already know about the supernatural!"

Scott: "Yeah! I mean, Hello! I'm a Freakin' werewolf!"

Stiles: "Yeah, but come on witches?! Seriously?"

Syrus: "Well you saw all the other abilities that we suddenly have! Hell, you even had some kind of a, vision, or Premonition of us about to be killed!"

PJ and Phoebe: "Um...Actually he had an Orbed Premonition, which I guess is a hybrid power between his apparently witch power, Premonition, and his whitelighter power, Orbing, which is called Orbed Premonitions!"

Piper: "Ladies!"

Phoebe and PJ: "Yeah?!"

Piper: "ZIP it!"

PJ and Phoebe: "OK!"

Scott: "The point is that maybe we should consider joining them since we are biologically related to them! Since it was also prophesied!"

Stiles: "Do we not get enough pain and sorrow from the supernatural? Syrus, you lost your adopted grandparents to supernatural evil, and Scott, you lost Allison! Plus, some of our friends who've died, like Aiden! And we've almost lost Derek, Jackson, and Lydia my girlfriend, I mean, do we not have enough death, pain, and sorrow in our lives!"

Scott: "Guys!"

Syrus: "But at least we will be with our biological family who knows how to deal with this kinda crap in the right way!"

Scott: "Guys!"

Stiles: "Please you just want to see if you could replace your shitty ass of an adopted family, with the exception of your amazing grandparents, with our..."

Scott: "STILES!"

Stiles: "...biological family!"

Scott: "DUDE!"

Stiles suddenly realized what he's said and what he's done!

Syrus: "You SON of a BITCH!"

Syrus' telekinesis suddenly got out of control and things started flying everywhere, and then they all flew at Stiles! He tried to duck but it was too late! Everything had landed on top of him!


Syrus: "No, don't even, you crossed the line when you said I had shitty ass family! Yes, my parents physically abused me because I was a perfect student with perfect grades and didn't need their help! But my grandparents from both sides saved me from them! So how dare you go and say that I'm trying to replace them! If anyone's trying to replace a member of their parents, check the mirror, You piece of shit! I mean, you did practically kill your own Mom!"

Scott: "SYRUS!"

Syrus: "When you were five years old!"

Scott: "Both of you just SHUT THE HELL UP!"

Stiles: "I'm going to kill you, you BITCH!"

Stiles started to run towards Syrus! But Syrus, filled with anger and rage, accidentally squinted his eyes, out of a new reflex that's started, and flew Stiles all the way across the living room in the air!"

Scott: "Syrus STOP! STILES!?"

Stiles: "Aahhhh!"

Stiles crashed into the same thing Andy did that killed him!

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