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Ollie and Awsten kicked rocks as they walked, the two had just arrived at IHOP and were slowly making their way in. Simmering in the moment before they had to focus on the real world and order.

As the conversation slowed, Awsten reached forward and opened the door, holding it open for Ollie to enter before him.

Ollie blushed as she walked through. "Thank you," she smiled and waited for him to catch up before picking a table. The two settled down at a window booth and waited for the usual waitress that worked to walk up and sweetly ask for their order.

"Uhm, can I get just some pancakes and maybe some fruit on the side?"

"Mhmm! And what do you want for a drink?"

"Sweet tea, please."

"Alright, that should be ready in a few minutes!"

The two felt relief settle as they returned to their conversation, Ollie almost gawked at how well they were clicking. Everything in this moment just felt right. The IHOP being quiet and cozy, the conversation, the feeling of having a new friend, a friend that was actually interested in things she was.

It wasn't long before their food came and they fell into a comfortable silence while they ate.

Awsten broke the quiet with a hum, like he had just thought of something. "Are you doing anything- like the rest of the day?" He questioned.

"Uh actually no, I was gonna hang out with a few friends but... I dunno, they're just... not that great right now." Ollie shook her head as if she was shaking her words back into place after losing them in the mess of a million other less appropriate adjectives.

"Cool! And I'm sorry about the friends thing, I get that, some friends are just shitty people," Awsten reassured. Ollie smiled.

He gets it.

"But anyway yeah! I'm free," Ollie nodded and took another bite of her food.

"Awesome, I was wondering because I think me and the others are doing a few things today and was wondering if you wanted to join?" he said, ending his words sounding more like a question.

Ollie felt her cheeks warm. "Definitely, I'm up for another adventure," she smiled. Awsten couldn't control his smile. Lord, he had met her a day ago and she had him on strings.

The two ate and talked more, finally exchanging numbers and bumping heads when it came to who was paying (Awsten practically shoved the money to the waitress so Ollie couldn't pay).


"No, don't 'Awsten' me, I said I'd pay for it yesterday."

"Dude, you shouldn't have to feel like you need to buy everything for me, I don't want to seem like I'm mooching off you," Ollie says and looks at Awsten, slightly exhausted by the struggle that played out.

"I don't think you're mooching off me, I offered to pay! Plus, you don't seem like the type to do that," Awsten said, shrugging and fiddling with his fingers.

"I guess it's just my insecurities getting on me but thank you. You really didn't have to pay," Ollie said, giving him a grateful smile.

The two left the restaurant and started their walk back. "So, what's the gang doing today?" Ollie asked, looking towards Awsten.

"Arcade, the one downtown."

"Oh sick! I used to go to birthday parties all the time there." Ollie smiled, reminiscing in the memory of how simple life was back then.

"Life was so simple then, no drama or expectations. Just living life fully," he said, basically taking the words straight out of Ollie's head.

"Yeah... exactly what I was thinking."

"Growing up sucks. I'm fortunate enough to have good friends but when I'm not with them everything sucks. Like, I'm sucked back into the reality that I'm expected to get good grades, live up to what my family expects of me and not fuck up." Awsten vented.

Ollie felt a warmth in her, he understood her. She never had this with any of her friends. "Yeah, except that's been my life 24/7. Up until I went to the sunset with you guys I've been stuck in that feeling." She felt the words slip past when she wanted them to, her heart picked up and anxiety shot through her veins.

"Oh damn... I'm sorry, I'm glad we could give you that clarity though"

"Ah- shit I hate to be a debbie downer or anything-" Ollie quickly said, trying to pick up what she thought was a smashed chance of a friendship.

"No! You're fine, I'm glad you're open to me about it. I'm here if you ever wanna talk or hang out," Awsten smiled, a small happiness blooming at the feeling of being trusted enough for her to tell him that.

"So, wanna go to my house? We can play video games to pass the time before we go to the arcade," Awsten offered.

Ollie smiled at the change of conversation, "I'm down!" She said. Awsten nodded and started leading the walk toward his house.

Awsten opened his door and walked in, holding it open for Ollie and closing it when she walked in. "Take off your shoes, my mom gets pissed when there's dirt in the house." Awsten said with an eye roll that made Ollie laugh.

"Who takes who's shoes off?"

Ollie's head snapped to the new person who was talking. A girl who looked a bit younger than Awsten stood confused at the end of the hallway. She had light brown hair and looked a bit like Awsten.

"Hey, Gracie! This is my friend Ollie, Ollie this is my little sister Gracie!" Awsten explained casually, as if both Ollie and Gracie weren't stuck in complete surprise.

"Hi," Ollie waved sheepishly.

"Hey," Gracie replied, giving her a tight smile.

"Anyways! C'mon Ollie, the games are in my room," Awsten said, breaking the tense feeling.

Ollie nodded and followed Awsten down the hall to his bedroom. "No funny business!" Gracie called out, Ollie felt her cheeks immediately heat up.

"Gross! Shut up!" Awsten called back, blushing as well.

"Sorry... she finds any chance to embarrass me," Awsten apologized, rolling his eyes and falling onto his bed.

"It's fine, my sister is the same way." Ollie chuckled, looking around for a place to sit.

Awsten picked up on her search and pointed to his desk chair. "You can sit there, I'll get the game ready," Awsten said, sitting up again and going to his TV and game system, turning it on and handing her a controller.

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