🌸Underground Hero🌸

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[Enjoy some 2am music while you read👼🏻💜]

Sounds edgy and it may be in some kinda way. But this is how it's been for a while now.. I'm sitting under a bridge outside of town, relaxing by the river and throwing some little rocks. I argued with my mom once again and it ended up with me coming to this place I prefer to call my "crying spot". A fresh summer breeze hits my skin, making me pull my knees to my chest. Weird how it was colder at nighttime..it's like..living out in the desert. Well if you think about it.. these villains will turn everything to dust someday..

Our Heroes have been real quiet since the day the one and only All Might has passed in his battle with All For One..

These thoughts of All Might filling my head have left me smiling. The U.A. hasn't been very far from my academy, which was a normie academy. You'd get to see all these Pro Heroes walk around, some undercover, some not. It was like..a school for celebrities ..

well.. that's even how some of the students acted like...

Suddenly a rattling noise tore me out of my thoughts. I thught I was alone here..
I grab a bigger rock just in case and hold it prepear to attack the animal or the person that made the sound. The peaceful flow of the river became wilder and louder or was it just my heart that was beating like crazy.
The imaginary music in my head became intense as the rattling came closer.

Am I..in danger..?

"God damn it these damn stinging nettle's are everywhere!"

This voice..

"I'm going to rip out each and every bush of these things!

Could it be...?

"Fucking itch-"

As I brought myself closer to see who this familiar voice belongs to, I finally stood face to face with the devil himself.

Katsuki Bakugou..

or.. King explosion murder, as people call him.



Our faces drifted apart and went from curious to annoyed. I sat down on the little cardboard which prevented my pants from getting dirty and sighed. The blond sat down next to me shook his head.
"Why're you here kid..it's way past your bedtime"

Katsu was a little older than me...He was in his twenties...to be exact he's twenty-two..while I'm eight-teen. We had love-hate relationship and never have I ever seen him as anything more than an older, annoying, angry pomeranian-looking brother.
"It's past the time for you to call me a kid, Katsu... you know I don't like it.."

A long silence has filled the atmosphere, even the river was now quiet and peaceful.
I look at the blond to see him deep in thoughts.. Some may say he has no other expressions than anger or if in peace, a blank expression..but Katsuki Bakugou was definitely one of those books you have to re-read to finally understand it's act.
He used to be one of the best heroes from U.A.
His quirk is powerful..enough to take out the entire League of Villains but..after Midoriya joined the dark side, he's never been the same, although people saw him as number one already. "Bakagou?" I call out softly, not disturbing the peace "You seem so lost in thoughts..is something bothering you?"

He darted his eyes to me and fixed them again to the other side of the bridge we sat under. "You haven't answered my question before, H/C-headed bimbo" there we go again. Him dodging questions is pretty common with me, especially if his feelings come to the front. He's never avoided fights, bullying Izu-kun and many more.. but he always avoided my questions.

The older guy seemed to feel me staring at him. He knew how stubborn I was sometimes so it left him with no other choice but give in. A sigh escaping from his lips "I'm just thinking what would've happened if I never graduated...if everything was how it used to be..if that fucking Deku never betrayed the U.A... it's his fault the world has come this far.."

It has never been Izu-kun's fault..

Not fully..

Midoriya being the traitor at U.A. has definitely left a huge impact on the blond. He hated broccoli head..but in my eyes he has also admired him, which is true at most points. Deku was never the one to give up and always challenged Katsu to his limits. I could imagine the two of them fighting evil side by side.. as a team.

"Now..tell me about yourself, dumbass"

Kacchan in a nutshell everybody..

"Its my mom again.. this is my usual crying spot so I've got nowhere to go"

Katsu's let out a small 'hm' as in he seems to get it.

"You know..when I was your age-"

"OH GOD NOT THIS!" I buried my face into my knees, covering my head with my arms which made the angry pom laugh.

"Oi! listen to me! you should be greatful I didn't let you die out there back then!"

Oh yeah..Kacchan saved my life from the leader of the league himself, Tomura Shigaraki. I couldn't be any more greatful than I already am..

"Anyways..when I was your age.. Bakugou (his mom) and I, would always fight too. Dad never had a word on it so..it lead to her kicking me out for a day. Man I felt like some stray dog-"

I gave Katsuki a stare to tell him to finally get to the point and he did.

"The point is..parents aint always right.. but also they aint always wrong"

"Kacchan that made no sense.."

"You think so? I'll leave that up to you..but one day you'll realize you regret fighting with her.."

He's right..

"Wow Bakagou...you're not just an underground hero but also an underground therapist~"

We both burst out laughing at this statement and continue to fill the atmosphere with more positivity.

When the world comes to an end and falls apart, your friends and family will be the ones holding the pieces together, just for you. And this is what Katsuki has been doing for me...

"I love you blasty...I hope you know that.." I said, looking at him as he wiped the tears of laughter.

We were quiet for a little while, just smiling to one another, including lots of hair ruffling when suddenly Baku spoke up

"How about we prank call shitty hair?!"


And so we kept on laughing throughout the night with Shark-teeth joining us later on ♡

[The End has been brought to you by Kirishima's Schwarzkopf🗿: Hair care commercial]

[The End has been brought to you by Kirishima's Schwarzkopf🗿: Hair care commercial]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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