Phase Six

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I stared in shock as the alien I didn't even know the name of, kissed me. My body was frozen, never daring to kiss him back.

This man-- no, alien had the audacity to kiss me? After the things, he's done to me? After all the pain he put my teammates through? 

I felt my blood boil in my veins as he released my lips and stared down at me. I raised my hand up to slap him, but he grabbed my wrist and snapped it in his hand. I screamed as the searing pain filled my vision. 

"Take that as a lesson," he growled, releasing my broken wrist. I sank down to the floor as I cradled my wrist and sobbed like a big baby, gaining either the piqued interest from the other aliens or blatant eye rolls. His eyes were like infernos as he glared down at me, before moving his wrist near my neck, and an invisible chain connecting the strange floating collar surrounding my neck and his glove. He dragged me back to my room, harshly, as if he wanted to make me choke. He hastily slammed his wrist against the scanner and threw me inside by the nape of my neck. 

"What about my wrist?" I cried. "Figure it out yourself!" He barked, locking the door behind him. My wrist dangled limply as my lip trembled and the first tear hit my cheek. 

I want home. I don't want to be stuck in space,  I want to be stuck by mom and her cat on her loveseat watching Twilight Zone reruns. I want to sleep in my own bed in my own apartment. I want Earth, and now... I'll never see mom again. I'll never see my vicious landlord again. I'll never see Mishi the cat again.

I choked on my sobs and blubbered like a baby, my heart slowly breaking into fragments and dropping to my stomach as realization sunk in.

"Are you alright?" I jumped, and wiped a tear from my eye as my eyes found the intruder, a feminine man in a skintight white body suit. He had yellowish white skin, long dark orange hair and eyes that were completely black, except for the small pupils that shone bright like the sun.

"Who are you?" I asked as he kneeled down in front of me with a bag. "I'm the resident medic of the ship, and the Venutian representative to Lord Grecan. Let me see your wrist."

I let my limp wrist fall into his gloved palm. "You know how to heal humans?" He hummed in return, nodding. "I had a human lover once, he was a medic. Taught me everything I know. Now, hold still." I followed his direction, and my mouth gaped in fascination as his pupil seemed to zoom in on my wrist, and the fiery pupil shuttered, like a camera.

"Who did this to you? Lord Grecan will be furious."  I rolled my eyes. "No one other than the dear captain of this ship."

He stared at me in disbelief.  "Captain Karnon? Lord Grecan will have his head!"

He massaged my swollen wrist before he brought me a metallic shaft, and placed my wrist in it.

"What is this?" He shrugged, hitting the big blue button on the center of it. "Think of it as a speed cast." He replied, as the shaft glowed as bright as the button and I could feel my bones rearranging, shifting back in place. He turned off the shaft, and pulled it off my arm.

"How's that?" I stared at my wrist like it was from another planet. The wrist that was broken a mere two minutes before was now completely healed, something that took years to do on Earth.

"I-- how?" He smiled widely. "We're technologically advanced, remember?"

I was still looking at my wrist as he packed back up his bag. "What's your name? I never caught it."

"Aleksy. You?"

"Medic Kesken. Pleased to meet you, royal consort Aleksy."

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