Chapter 7

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The five continued to swim. Branch looked back repeatedly just to make sure nobody was approaching them

"Ok Branch! Where are we? We've been swimming in circles!" Poppy said

"No we haven't." Branch said looking at his map

"Dude! It's upside down!" Barb said

"No it isn't." Branch said continuing to look

Trollex grabbed the map and turned it over for it to face the right direction

"Oh! We have been going in circles." Branch said and looked at them

They sighed annoyed and facepalmed

"We need to ask for some directions." Hickory said

"That's a good idea!" Trollex smiled

"Yeah! Because that's a good idea!" Branch said with sarcasm

Poppy and them saw a fish from afar

"Hey! There's somebody!" Poppy smiled

"Hey little guy! Can you help us? It's important!" Poppy said

"Poppy, I don't think that's a little guy. We're pretty tiny." Branch said

"Hey! That's a whale!" Trollex said

They looked at him

"I speak whale, very WHALE!! HAH!! Get it!" Trollex joked

"Say that again, and you won't be able to tell another joke." Barb threatened

Trollex cleared his throat

"Ok seriously though, let me try and talk to him." Trollex said

They sighed except Poppy

"You go Trollex!" Poppy smiled

"Weeee neeeed..." Trollex began

"Trollex?" Branch called confused

"Tooo find these gloovvveesss." He said

"What? That's not how you speak whale!" Branch said

"Let him keep going." Barb said holding in her laughter

"Can you give us directiiooonnnsss?" Trollex asked

The whale swam away

"Look! He's gone now!" Branch said crossing his arms

"Come baacckkkk!!" Trollex said

"He's not coming back." Hickory said

"You've offended him!!" Branch said

"Maybe a different dialect maybe." Trollex said as he started mooing

"Trollex! Trollex, this isn't whale. You're speaking like an upset stomach." Branch said

"Maybe I should try humpback." Trollex said putting his finger on his face as he was thinking

"Don't try humpback." Branch said

But Trollex did anyway as he was doing a terrible roar

"You actually sound sick!" Branch said

"Maybe louder? Huh? RAH!! RAH!!"

Poppy and Barb started laughing

"Don't do that!" Branch said

"Too much orca. Didn't it sound orca-ish?" He asked

"It doesn't sound orca. It sounds like nothing I've ever heard." Branch said crossing his arms

"It's just as well. He might be hungry." Hickory said

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