a painful start

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Midnight huffed quietly as she closed her door, no one seemed to understand her pain and the only person who would understand was dead. She sat against her door as she whimpered quietly to herself. Why had he done that? Why would he just leave her there? Surely there was a mistake and he just... forgot. She started to silently cry as she heard a slight clawing at the door to which she opened it, desperately swiping at her eyes as Luna padded into her room.
"O-oh, it's just you baby girl" she said, picking the small kitten up. Little Luna was a black cat with small white specks on her fur. When midnight sat down, the small bundle of fluff in her arms wriggled a bit, getting a paw free and softly placing it on midnight's cheek. Almost as if to remind her that the little kitten was there to keep he company and to reassure her when needed. Midnight sniffed, burying her skull into Luna's fur and started to cry. "W-why did h-he leave me l-luna? Why didnt he tell me! W-why luna? Why can't my big sissy be here to help!?" Luna meowed softly, as midnight sat up again, wiping her eyes. "Y-yeah your right baby I-I should move on" but it was never as easy as that was it?

Those were her last thoughts before she passed out, slumping to the side with Luna being thrown sideways

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