The wake up call

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Midnight woke up sat in an unfamiliar bed. Where was she, she tried sitting up, only to be pushed back down by a nurse. She panicked. Why the fuck was there a nurse here!? "W-where-.. where a-am I?" She croaked, her throat sore as she tried to talk. "Shh, she calm down your at the hospital, you were found passed out in your room. There was a cat found curled on your chest and it meowed desperately when someone came to check on you." Midnight smiled. "Little loyal Luna. W-where is she now?" The nurse smiled, pointing at midnight legs, there curled up and asleep was Luna. "She wouldn't stop mowing and scratching when we took you so we had no choice but to bring her here." The nurse chuckled softly, handing midnight a cup of water.
Midnight gratefully took a sip and smiled before frowning slightly, looking at the nurse. "E-excuse me?" The nurse hummed for midnight to go on as she looked at the heart monitor. "Do- do you know why I passed out?" The nurse nodded slowly, thinking for a moment before speaking. "You passed out from a number of things, you see, you were very dehydrated and it appeared that you hadn't been eating properly, also your injuries and stress didnt help the fact you passed out." The nurse responded as midnight silently nodded, it was true she hadn't been eating well- or at all. She was lucky she was alive. The nurse smiled at her as she passed mid a picture. "The police came here earlier to ask you something but you were asleep so I told them to come back later. By any chance do you know who this is?" Midnight looked at the picture, instantly tearing up as Luna stirred, padding up the bed to see what all the fuss was about. Midnight cried silently, showing the kitten the picture. Luna meowed, purring as she gently placed a paw on the picture, looking at midnight who just lay there crying. The nurse looked between Luna and Midnight confused before repeating her question. "Do you know who the man in the picture is?" Midnight nodded, sniffing and wiping her eyes as Luna moved to nuzzle against midnight, purring as Mid responded. "I-I... it's my brother, moon h-he- he's dead." The nurse shook her head, calling out to a doctor before smiling at midnight. "The police found him last night, passed out in a back alley in a bad state but he is still alive honey." Midnight stared at the nurse in shock and disbelief as Luna meowed more, sending midnight emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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