chapter five: try to remember...

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Kawaii~chan P.O.V

It's really dark. I can't see. I seem to be laying down. I feel something pressing against me. It feel hot. What's happening? I can't tell. I can't speak, but I'm warm. There's this burning feeling in my chest, my heart is racing, and it feels good. I don't know what it is neither do I want to know. I just never want it to stop. I gasp for air and wake up. I'm looking at a ceiling fan.

"I don't have a ceiling fan in my bedroom. where is this?"

I asked myself. I look around and start moving my hands. I have no idea where I am. I immediately got scared. My fingers stumbled across something. I felt through it. It was coarse black hair. It started to shuffle through the covers. It was Zane? He got up and looked at me with his ice cold eyes and said.

"Hey! Good morning Nana. How'd you sleep last night? back still hurting or anything?"

He said getting up and going to the bathroom. I look at myself. There was hickeys on my neck. I was completely naked it. My hair is a mess and my back hurt. I start to freak out!

"There is no way this is happening. We haven't talked in almost 2 years and now this. We just started talking this can't be happening. OH, NO! OH, NO! OH, NO!!!"

I started hyperventilating. I didn't know what to do. I look towards the bathroom. Zane had the water on brushing his teeth. Maybe he can tell me what happened I have to be cool, just talked to him.

"Hey, Zane?!"


"Everything's a blur to me. Do you know of anything that happened last night? I really can't recall."

He chuckled, "if you're referring to that we f*ck last night? Then yes! That Did happen. So what do you want for breakfast, pancakes?... maybe not pancakes... oh! But blueberry pancakes so more appetizing!"

I laid back putting the cover over my head. I try to remember as much as I could from the night before. Even though my head was pounding. I close my eyes to trying to see if I can get anything, anything at all about the night before.

Yesterday at 9:46
Kawaii~Chan P.O.V

I was sitting in Zane's car. He had music playing that I really didn't know. There's a couple songs I did recognize. Didn't know them enough to sing alone though. The car ride home was pretty silent. The rain started beating even harder than before. It was so hard to see out the window. "how is he still driving?" I asked myself.

"Ah... Kawaii~Chan. I think we're going to have to pull over for a while and rest somewhere. It's getting hard to see and the window wipers isn't working anymore..."

"Oh! that's okay I'm in no rush anyway. It's only 9:50 so it's cool. Katelyn be out longer than this. So don't worry about it"

"Well, alright then just making sure it's okay with you".

We pulled into the first place that said "24-hour open". We pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. We ran inside as quick as we could. When we got inside. I read the label allowed Bennigan's and Bosco's parlor? We walked up to the front counter and sat down. There was a young werewolf behind the counter cleaning some glasses. He walked up to us "hello there, welcome to Bennigan's and Bosco's. what can I do you in for?" He said with a smile. Zane started to speak to the werewolf.

"Oh,no we're not here to drink or anything. We're just trying to get out of the rain for a while. Until it clears up a bit".

"Well, there's a policy here you at least got to order one thing and then you can stay as long as you want"

"We're not here to really drink or anything like that."

"You don't have to drink alcohol, We do have food menus but everything does come with one free beer"

Zane and I looked at each other. We grabbed a menu in started to read from it. We quickly decided what we want it and then ordered. Not too long after, the nice werewolf brung us our food. We started to eat in silent it has been a while since we ate. Minutes after our food arrived. The werewolf brung out two Tall Glasses of Drake. We look up the werewolf like he was retarded. The werewolf stared back at us and said.

"I did mention that anything you ordered came with one for a drink right?"

The werewolf start to walk away. We looks back down at our food I started to eat again. Zane picked up his drink and started to take a sip. He looked at me and said.

"well, it'd be a shame if I let a free drink go to waste"

I looked at Zane drunk his beer. I didn't feel like drinking at all right now. Zane quickly finish his beer. When he finished he looked at me and said.

"You going to drink that?"

He then picked up my beer and drunk that one too. I didn't know why but I felt envious of him. He could just do that without worrying about the consequences. I felt like I needed to stage him up. So I ordered a beer myself. It arrived shortly after and I started to drink. Zane looked at me and said.

"Wow Kawaii~Chan, I didn't know you had it in you".

Zane then started to laugh and ordered him one more too. I then follow Zane. We did this for a while, until we both was a little more than tipsy. The werewolf walked back up to us and said.

"Now y'all been here for a while, and the rain has cleared up enough for y'all both to get home. I don't want you all getting too drunk and not be able to drive your car".

The werewolf sent us on our way with a gallon of apple juice to sober up on. We got in the car and started to drive off. Zane seem to be focused enough to get us home without crashing. Well, at least himself home. In the mix of everything he forgot where I live. I forgot where I live as well. It was late past 12 almost a pawn on 1:00. I fell onto Zane couch. It was the most comfiest thing I've ever felt in that moment. I felt so dizzy that the room was spinning maybe because all the alcohol I drunk. I was so out of focus that I could barely see Zane but I can't hear his voice. Me and Zane started to talk for a long time. We stayed up for a while talking about old things, things that was in the past, things that we couldn't remember until now. Everything was getting so out of focus by this point. All I can remember is blacking in and out of situations.

I could remember some of the conversation that we had. I would blink and be in a different area. I blacked out just to reawaken walking up the stairs. Then closing my eyes. when I reopened them. me and Zane were kissing and struggling to get to the bed. I had another blackout, opening my eyes once more. Me and Zane were Tangled in the sheets. Heavy panting coming from both of us. Our hands locked together. I blacked out one more time. Then I woke up in the morning...

 The Wedding Bells ( Zane X Kawaii~Chan ) fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora