The Finale

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Gordon was devastated. He knew Donald was an awful person, but he was just so jaded by his beauty, that he ignored how awful Donald was.
"G-Gordon, D-Donald Trump got-"
"I KNOW, YOU FUCKING WALNUT! SHUT UP, AND GET OUT," Gordon screamed, "OR ELSE YOU'LL GET TO SLEEP IN THE POOL TONIGHT!" Gordon walked into the bathroom and slammed the door. He looked at himself and just thought, how could he be so stupid?
From then on, Gordon Ramsay became a better person, kinda. He didn't verbally abuse his family anymore, and even started calling his wife by her name, whatever it is. His kids went on to pursue their own dreams, such as Matilda, who became a professional paraglider. Gordon lived the rest of his life, in loud, angry screams at people.


Quirky Trump x Gordon RamsayWhere stories live. Discover now