⁴ I surrender all.

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apparently it was wendy's birthday, all the workers in the restaurant as irene planned them to stay in the restaurant after it was close to spend decorating a small party for wendy.

"happy birthday to our wendy, happy birthday to you!" they all sang to wendy as her baker boyfriend, min yoongi handing a handmade cake towards her. she blows the candle on the of the cake and they all cheered up the atmosphere in the dining hall.

a while later, wendy stood up as she smiled at her all coworkers. "you know, i never thought i would make it here. i spent my last few years working ass off to have and own my restaurant. yeah.. there was a lot of hard times that made me almost giving up but without all you guys, i dont know where i would be right now." she laughs at them as she started to tear up.

"i pray that our restaurant will make to the next and the next generation which; irene is currently expecting a baby girl and oh i can't wait to have my own too one day. i also pray that we all will granted by success, happiness, love and anything what ever is good for us, amen." she finished her sentences and the others amen her prays.

taehyung turned to look at irene next him who were eating the cake probably the second cut and irene notices he was staring at her. "don't look at me like that, the first cut of cake is for me and the second is for the baby." she says as she trying to cover the side of her face with her free hand.

"i know but i couldn't resist how cute you are." taehyung replied and took her hand away from her face. irene rolled her eyes, "i hate people saying that me, stop." she laughed and continue to finish her cake. 

"i'm going to taking some desserts, you want some?" irene asked as she slowly stood up her chair. the man shook his head "no need to, you deserve to eat as much as you want." he said to her softly knowing that irene have been working hard for in her first nine months and she could be expecting any sooner and she need a lot of energy.

"so when you are going ask her?" taehyung tilting his head to find the other voice that were asking him and found it was seulgi. he hesitated first knowing what seulgi really meant. "what are you talking about?" taehyung turns away pretending know nothing.

seulgi snorted "oh come on, you don't want your baby coming out of wedlock right? you better be ready for that."

"nonsense, i've bought the ring already." taehyung spat right after seulgi finished her words. he put his spoon down on the plate, looking around to look at irene who were picking some desserts. "that's good to hear," yoongi spoke out to him as he continued "but when? i don't want irene to be a mother first without being wife in the first place." he said, bending down on the table and tries to steal taehyung's grape but taehyung let him anyway.

"don't worry, i have a perfect plan."

later on that night irene found herself laying alone on her bed and couldn't get her eyes closed. irene looked at the wall to find a clock that tick one in the morning and she sighed then get up from her bed.

irene ran her hand through her long brown hair as she walked herself to the kitchen with her other hand caressing her bump. taehyung was on the next door and might be sleeping. both of them still figuring things out and irene still want take things slowly. she just don't know how and she just not ready yet.

she drank her glass of water and put back in the sink then went to the hallway looking at a spare key that leads to open taehyung's door that he gave her last week in case she needs anything. irene badly wanted to sleep and the pillows she had in her bed could not be enough to compare to cuddle with someone that makes her safe and sound.

giving up, irene didn't hesitate to take the key and went out of her house went straight to the next door as she went in silently didn't wanting taehyung to woke up. the woman looked around in his house that were decorate simply and found her lips curls into smile.

irene then found taehyung were sleeping in his room curling as he hugging a pillow on the bed. irene walked closer as she bent down to move away the pillow that he hugged away from him so she could sneak into his arms. she slowly adjusting herself in his arms and realising that taehyung's arms tightening around her.

in months, irene never felt so good like this and she just wanted both of them become like this forever, no more barriers she prayed. to be in his arms, to surround by all of his scent and to be love by him are more than enough.

she remembers during her early pregnancy months, her friends would come over to sleepover to make sure that irene were always in care especially when the sickness hit her hard. irene don't even know how thank them especially wendy and seulgi who were always blabbering at her when she didn't want to admit what she craving to eat and going out without telling them. but what her friends wanted was to have irene's daughter to grow up so well and know that how much they really the daughter.

losing deep her thoughts, irene doesn't remember when the last time she had a good deep sleep.

in the morning taehyung found himself smiling as he woke up to find out that irene were sleeping in his arms. might be the best good morning he ever had. he watched her, placing a lot of soft kisses on her face but not yet on her lips and even had his hand carressing her bump softly.

as soon as irene open her eyes and hears taehyung whispering deeply "hi love" then she smiles. "hi" she whines softly as she stares at him. "i having hard time to sleep last night, sorry.." she says.

"love, you don't have to say sorry and it's fine.. i'm all yours." taehyung went closer to place a kiss on her forehead. "besides today is weekend right? we can spend time together if you want."

irene smiled at him as she nodded in agreement to spend time with him then her eyes stay still at his whole handsome face in desire. "taehyung, if you don't care that we haven't brush our teeth yet.. can you kiss me?" she asked as she chuckles.

taehyung laugh a little and place his hand on the side of her neck as he leans closer. "is this a booty call irene?" he teased and she giggles, "you think?" then he went to kiss her tenderly and he swears to god that he misses this feeling that made him feels fireworks in his heart.

by the time taehyung about to pull away, irene's lips went to chase his as they deepening their kiss and opening. they never felt better in a long time. sometimes you just had to surrender all of our feelings for someone, specifically.

i miss bts and red velvet interaction, i just really miss them. by the way, there's one more chapter then this story is complete!

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