A Good News

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' Happily ever after'-the most used word in fairy tales. Most of the princes and princesses ended up together and lived happily ever after- but is that it? The definition of' happily ever after' can't be without difficulties; because we need troubles and difficulties in our life , to enjoy our success. If a story ends up with a problematical situation, it's must be a happy ending; because every trouble indicates to a big success, a better future and a lot of happiness!!!

Prince Adam's pov

Several days after my coronation, it's like there's a wave of happiness in my whole kingdom. Everyone's so busy, even little Chip was keep running everywhere; although he always do that. And the woman I was looking for, m'lady, wasn't here. So, I decided to find her, I saw Mrs. Potts." Wait here, mrs.potts, where are you going?"I questioned her curiously. She, with a lot of cups full of tea, said,"oh, master, I am going to serve tea to the workers". "Workers? what type of workers? I can't remember I have told to bring workers?" I was really surprised. At this time, mrs. Potts turned to me. While smirking,she said,"really, you don't know master, what's going on?" "No,mrs. Potts, please tell me what's going on?" I pleaded to her. She said,"oh master, cups of tea are freezing, I have to go" and hurriedly went towards the main gate. I stood spellbound. What's the thing they couldn't tell me? Leave it, I will hear from m'lady. Where's she?

After almost 15 minutes, I heard her voice. She was talking with Mr. Lumière about decorating with candles. I went there and saw her. She smiled to see me as she wanted to talk with me. Well, same here, m'lady. I assured her by eyes and said," mr. Lumière, I have seen miss Feather duster in grand hall". "Oh!" His face lightened up. "Really?... I mean.. I have some works.... can I go?" It was hard for me to surpress the laughter more. She said," you can mr. Lumière" and, with those words, he started running towards grand hall. We blust out in laughter. I questioned,"what are you two talking about? Was that about decorating candles? Or something else?" Belle replied, "yes prince charming, you are right". I shivered to hear' prince charming'. No one,even Belle can't understand  how I felt those years as a beast......and after this....she called me as' prince charming'! Fresh tears came in my eyes. I hid my eyes and questioned"so,why are you decorating candles? Halloween is far away and that fierce C-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s too. So,why are you decorating for?" I can bet, she blushed.
"Well, m'lady, it's a midnight party? but it happened before,why are you blushing?"

"Um...yaa... it's a party.. but much more than you think"

"Much more than I think? So what's this?"

"Um.. well, it's our...."
"It's our?"
" It's our wedding".
Her cheeks became red as tomato. And I? I just jumped about 3 inches and then shivered again. I hugged her tightly and said,"Very very thanks.... congratulations m'lady".

"How does a moment last forever
How can a story never die
It is love we must hold onto
Never easy but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow, our time and place stand still
Love lives inside our hearts and always will

Me and m'lady were walking through a cave. We had a flare with us. Suddenly,
We heard a big' THUD' and failed into
Utter darkness. At this time, a light
flashed and we screamed in fear!!!!!!!!!!

What they saw?...... to know, stay tuned for the next chapter
             With love - Koushiki (Shimmer)

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