An Unexpected Christmas

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Prince Adam's pov

After the day I heard the news, I was damn happy. Everything was looking more beautiful than usual. I was in seventh heaven, when a dream disturbed my mind.

In a cloudy day, I woke up with a terrific pain in my head. The pain was really terrible that I couldn't tolleret even bird's twittering. Once, our royal advicer told us that sometimes it happens in fever.... nope... I hadn't any fever. Fortunately, this time, Mrs. Potts entered in room. As usually, she gave me a cup of coffee. Hence, I sipped, I felt a great shooth. "Good morning master", she greeted me. "Good morning mrs. Potts, how are you?and how is chip?" I questioned.  "I am alright, Chip too. But... you aren't looking fine master.... are you ok?" She questioned suspiciously. "Yaa... just a headache.... that's why" I replied. Mrs. Potts seemed as she failed on earth from sky. "Really, master, you? Princess Belle has a headache too.... God... what's going on here?"she said. "Don't be panic... it's just a the way, is she ok?"I was worried. "Yes master.. now she's alright.... can I go now? I have to feed that naughty Chop top...gosh!" She said. I smiled... probably he's naughty, but he's cute too. As mrs. Potts, Belle had a headache too? I looked at myself through the mirror. It was given by Belle....well, silly me. There were dark spots under my eyes. I was trying to figure out that dream. But, I couldn't remember anything except a mumbling from Belle. Oh.... what happened to me?

I suited up and went to garden. Belle was there too. I wanted to show her how much pain I was bearing. So, I pressed my head with a mumbling. But she, didn't see nor mind it. It hurt me. Really, I just wanted a message....or just some concerned sentences °~°. Suddenly, she pinched my right arm and pointed to the corridor. Mr. Lumière and miss Feather duster.....was talking with each other while playing with flowers.

"They are happy couple, aren't they?"
"Just like us , hunh?" I was in mood.
" You are right" Belle was serious.
" Um.. how are you now?"
"I am fine, what about you?"
" Fine" I said casually.
" So, can we go outdoors?"
" Today?.... you know.. I am feeling like today's Christmas."
"Hey.... as I know.. you hate Christmas for the enchantress!"
" I am wondering too... it's like she will be appear soon. Leave that, let's go".

"Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has forgotten
Still our song lives on."

" Me and Belle were shivering in cold,
Under a tree. To save us from rain, we found a cave. But something's unusual there. Suddenly, I saw, Belle was not there with me. I screamed,"Belle!!!".

Where was Belle? What happened to them? To know, stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

With Love,
Koushiki ( Shimmer)

You Are Mine ( Beauty And The Beast F.F)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora