1°-New school

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Hi my names Cassie and well...... I was just kicked out of my parents house for coming out as bi and now live with my aunt. My best friend Vicky and twin sister Charlie came with me as well and tomorrow I start at a new school.

Cassie's POV
I shot up from my sleep from the piercing ring of my alarm. I get up and go to both Vicky and Charlie's rooms to get them up as well. I go back to my room to gets my clothes and go take a shower .

Time skip

I wraped myself with a towel and did my hair, then got dressed. As I finished my makeup both Vicky and Charlie walked into my room, and they didn't look that bad, they usually don't have good taste.
Charlie's outfit

 Charlie's outfit

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Vicky's outfit

Cassie's outfit

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Cassie's outfit

I grab my keys and ask them if they're ready, they both nod and we head out to our cars Vicky rides with me since she doesn't have one

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I grab my keys and ask them if they're ready, they both nod and we head out to our cars Vicky rides with me since she doesn't have one.

Time skip

We arrive at the school and I'm kinda nervous to be honest because I don't usually do good in new environments. As we got out of our car Charlie saw how nervous I was and held my hand as we walked in. When we walked in I saw everyone staring us down. To make everything worse I got a notification and saw that Vicky texted me, it was " why are they all staring at you" after I read the text I looked up and I looked around and realized that everyone was staring at me and got a little insecure. There were so many assumptions running through my head but I just decided it was because I was the tallest one out of us (vicky's 5'4, Charlie's 5'6, and I'm 5'7) Though I know it wasn't true that's what I chose to believe and said "maybe because y'all are short as fuck" "I'm only an inch shorter than you" Charlie said " so, it's still shorter" I said as we walked into the front office.

"Hi how may I help you", the lady said and let me say her voice was so annoying. I just wanted to punch her in the damn throat right then and there, but I forced a tight lipped smile instead. "Um...hi we're the three new transfers from lakeshore high. I'm Charlie Scott this is cassis Scott and Victoria Malic" charlie said pointing at us as I she said our names "ahh yes here you go and here's a late pass for each of you since class already started." We all smiled and waved as we walked out. " where's your guys lockers at mines 245" Vicky said knowing ours would be somewhere else since we have S names and she has a M name " mines 123" " mines 124" me and Charlie said " okay well see y'all later" Vicky said as she left and we headed to our lockers. On our way there I saw a girl with jet black hair and a red streak. You could tell she was a stud and if ima be honest she's was kinda hot, but she won't really my type Fr.

Time skip

I walked up to the class door. Charlie wasn't with me because for some weird reason we had different class it was unusual because we always have the classes sense we're twins and had the same last name our classes linked up the same and we had the exact same classes, but it was what ever. Right as I walked in everyone snapped their heads in my direction as i walked up to the teacher. I handed him the late pass and said that I was the new student. Idk why but I just had an attitude and told him that I would've been there sooner but i just really didnt want to be here, he gave me weird look and I wasn't in the mood so I gave one back " thank you for the pass you can sit right there in the front " I looked where he was pointing and saw it was right by his desk I was not about to sit there. Like... the fuck, so I went to the back instead. "umm excuse me... I said in the front" "I heard you the first time" I said as I put my bag down and took a seat.

Time skip to lunch

"Bye class have a good day" my English teacher said as I rushed out the class room to get to the cafeteria. As I was walking down the hall I could hear her calling my name but I was hungry and didn't want to talk to her anyways, so I just ignored her. When I got in the cafeteria I started looking for the girls. When I saw them I went and sat with them but, before I could even say anything this fine ass white girl walked over with some other girls, but I won't worried about them. "hey I don't know if you heard me but I was calling you in the hall. My names Lexi" she was cute. "My bad I thought it was a teacher." I said with a straight face. Like girl idek you why the fuck you wanna talk to me for. " well I just wanted to invite you to a party later" the girl asked "..." " I'm sorry about her but we'll have to pass we just moved so we still have a lot to do" Vicky said while giving me a look. "That was rude. You could have answered me" the Lexi girl said while giving me the bitchy look ever " yeah but I chose to ignore you than talk you but I guess that didn't work tho did it" I said with a attitude "Cassie wtf is your problem be nice" Charlie asked "sorry she's doesn't really like new places" Vicky said " or people" I said giving the her the nastiest look I could. As they walked away the cute one gave me something. It was piece of paper. She then walked away catching up with her friends. I opened the paper to see a number and a name... AG. I saw her looking at me so I got up and walk led over to the trash and threw it away. She was cute but that was not about to happen.

Time skip after school

Vicky and I walk out to the field for the soccer tryouts. Thankfully soccer season was just starting sense it was right after spring break. We had already changed bedsheets we came out here.
Vicky's clothes

Cassie's clothes

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Cassie's clothes

Tryouts had just ended and as we walked to the car I saw that cute lil white girl and her friends a few parking spots down from my car , talking and sitting on a car

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Tryouts had just ended and as we walked to the car I saw that cute lil white girl and her friends a few parking spots down from my car , talking and sitting on a car. As we got to my car we saw someone pull up beside us and when they get out I could believe my eyes.

So this was my first official part to this story if some of the spelling and grammar is off I'm so sorry and also please pointers or any ideas you have in the content section. Thank you for reading my story and also sorry for the short story but I will be updating later to day or tomorrow.

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