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Clem: can someone please help us make a new bed?

Omar: What happened to the old one?

Vi: We broke it

Sophie: how?

Clem&Vi:  ......we woke up and bed broke. End of discussion.

Louis, Marlon, Mitch: *laughing lightly cause they removed some of the nails on the bed*

Vi: Why are you laughing?

Them: Nothing

*nails fall out of Louis' pockets*

Louis: I can explain *deep breath*

Louis: ....*points at Mitch and Marlon* THEY DID IT!

Mitch and Marlon: bitch-

Clem: *grabs frying pan* *whacks them in the head*

Aasim: Finally! We can get a normal day without those three!


Aasim: spoke too soon....

Ericson Kids on crack feat. Violentine Where stories live. Discover now