chapter 25

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Make sure to read the previous chapter
I don't know if everyone got the notification



So after everything that happened everything seems so different

I mean all the seniors are still eating with us but now they all tease Tay and New and even Singto takes part in all of it

He's way more happy now with his new boyfriend I'm just glad that Tay and New hang out anywhere but our house because it's not fun walking in on your younger brother and bestfriend kissing

Someone please help getting that image out of my brain .

What about p'off ?

Well he's been clinger than ever I mean he offered to pick me up because my bike kinda broke down after the rain

And he's still driving me to school.

It's been two weeks.

He drops me off basically drives me around whenever I want without a question

Heh it feels good to be pampered like this

Ah did I mention that he brings me food to my office yeah the one at the club

I've asked him so many times not to be there but will he listen, no

Do I almost kinda really like it ? , Yes a hundred percent

Will I tell him that I like him clinging to me ?, No are you kidding me

I don't know what's his obsession with the bathtub/jacuzzi in the middle of the room

He will not stop asking about it

Eh whatever

I was taking care of some paperwork when

"Oi where's p'puppy?" Singto asked as he came into my room and made himself comfortable on the bed

So because of p'off's clingyness everyone started calling him p'puppy

"He's with his family sing " I replied and let out a little sigh

"Aww is someone missing their phi ?" He teased


"No I'm not like kit you know who starts crying if he doesn't see you " I teased back

"Ooi that happened one time let it go he cried because I didn't even reply to his messages ...he got worried okay" he cried and I laughed

So a few days ago singto forgot to take his phone along and after college we had to go to the main office for some work  hence kit couldn't talk to him all day

Which inturn resulted in a very much crying krist

New messaged me that day saying that kit refused to eat and had been crying majority of the time

And singto on the other hand though seemed really calm was indeed panicking it took him two hours of cuddling to calm krist down

I wonder if my brother gets worried for me like this

Probably not

"Ah ah whatever " I spoke

"Um gun how's everything going with p'puppy?" He asked and i looked at him confused

"I mean any progress ?" He added

"I don't know what answer you're looking for sing but I don't think me and phi would be anything but friends I mean even if I for a second keep my fucked up past behind he still is straight and ~"

"Oh so you really think he's straight ?" Singto cut me off and laughed and i just raised my eyebrow in confusion

"Oh so I'm not the only oblivious one here .. gun it's so definite that he likes you the way he clings on you the way he takes care of you bringing you food making sure it's all your favourite driving you around like a chauffeur and all those stolen glances during lunch gun atthaphan that man definitely likes you ." He added in the most sincere tone

Um.. what ? Phi looks at me during lunch ?why have I not noticed that ?

"Do you re~ "

"Yes not a single doubt in my mind" he replied cutting me off

Oh boy I'm definitely blushing

"But..." I started to speak looking down

"Okay gun I know you've never liked talking about your past and we all respect your boundaries we always have .. but gun we all know that there's some part of you still broken and no matter how strong you portray yourself to be you can't hide the pain from us ... And it has been more prominent since uncle died gun me kit and new we all saw how you just fully immersed yourself in all this work ... It's only recently that we can see that you're happy and not the forceful kind you seem truly happy you and it's all because of phi I've seen how you are with him around all your worries go away .. gun  whatever it is that's holding you back I hope you can get through it we're all with you "

I don't even know whe I started crying but regardless I went to give him a hug

"I-i'm so grateful for having you all as my family even .. even though I don't know when I'll be able to open up I hope you and new and Krist will be there I feel like a horrible brother not spending time with them after por died I -i I just " he replied while being a crying mess

"Ooi gun shh it's okay they know that you're doing all of this for them gun we all love you you know that right " he asked as we pulled away

I nodded while wiping my tears off

"Good now stop crying and let's go eat p'puppy isn't here to feed you " he again teased earning a few punches on his stomach

Even if my life isn't the most perfect but I still have the most perfect missmatched family.


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