chapter 26

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Off (pov)

We were all have our food as per usual

The only difference is Tay and New are glued together and singto seems to loosen up a bit too like he's been talking and joking around

So apparently Tay finally confessed two weeks ago and found out that new had been crushing over him too

Arghh when will my day come

Even though gun seems pretty comfortable around me now

Ah did I mention that for the past two weeks I've been picking gun up . I still haven't seen his house yet since he asks me to pick him up from the main road

im so definite that his bike is all fixed I mean come on it's been two weeks .

Heheh he hasn't asked me to stop and I don't plan on doing so either.

But unfortunately today I have been summoned by my grandfather

It's nothing serious but he likes to use such words even I don't know why

That reminds me I should tell gun about it

"Um gun" I spoke making him look at me

Ah his eyes never fail to make me lost in them

Ooi off focus

"Yes phi" he replied

"I wouldn't be able to drop you off today I'm going home grandpa wants to see me " I said and gave out a smile to which he smiled back and nodded

"Okay phi" he said

"Um.. phi?" He called out grabbing my attention and I nodded

"So you won't come to the office either ?" He asked in a hushed tone looking everywhere but me making my smile like a crazy person

You see I found out from singto that gun is pretty much a workaholic and sometimes ends up missing or skipping dinners /lunch it's only when he's home that he eats properly

So what did I do .. my brilliant plan was to just show up at his office with food

I make sure that he's well fed

He has asked me not to come but will I listen ? Nope have ya met me ?

Also he's got an open jacuzzi In his office I keep on bugging him about it asking how often does he use it

Apparently he hasn't used it once oh how I would love to use it with him

Arghhh off don't think about all that right now

"Why nong gun will you miss me ?" I leaned in and whispered making him snap his neck up to look at me

Oh my god he's blushing

I made him blush


"W-what who's gonna miss you ... Haha in your Dreams" he replied and went back to his food making me let out a chuckle


After break was over our nongs left but since we didn't have any class we decided to lounge around

I was scrolling through instagram when Lee called out for me

"Ai off " he said making me look up

Okay why is everyone looking at me like that

"Yes? " I asked and looked at everyone

They all passed a few looks around before nudging Tay to start speaking

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