Sesshoumaru: Imagine you played a part in his views of humanity

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Believe it or not there was a time Sesshomaru was young and immature like Inuyasha, still learning about the world with an absent father to blame for his initial ignorance.

In an era when Tōga was infatuated with a young, beautiful Izayoi, Sesshomaru was a dog demon intent to travel his lands, humble himself as he said to his mother as he scoured the world of humans and demons alike. He wanted to know every advantageous field for battle, each possible river for sustenance and shelter for future times, each village to monitor their workings and trade. This young dog demon was determined to rule unlike his father but more powerful, attentive, honourable; after all, what honour is there in infidelity?

At the ripe age of seven-hundred-and-fifty-two, Sesshomaru appeared as a young human man of sixteen (of course if he hadn't had his markings and distinct Mokomoko-sama).

It was on one of his travels that he spied upon a village girl idly collecting water. He had realised earlier he'd seen a shack and supposed it was your home but what had him maintaining his stare was the beauty of you.

It was a stretch to call it love at first sight, and Sesshomaru would rather die than admit it, but from the moment he caught your eyes something close to demon instinct ignited and sent his heart into a boyish flutter. You were beautiful with a waterfall of silken hair and features so beautifully combined it felt a sin to watch you so, like he was nothing but a sneaky, depraved mortal man.

Sesshomaru wouldn't be surprised if the God's had created you themselves, meticulously choosing every curve, colour and constellation of freckles to make you.

But in catching your eye, he was caught amongst the trees with his narrow eyes so intimidating as they peered from the shadows.

"Who is there! Show yourself!" You called as you held your bucket close to your chest, you knew that in a panic it would be heavy enough to whack someone round the head with.

"This Sesshomaru doubts you would like that" he drawled, biting back a blush as he kept distance between you.

"I am frightened of no man",

"Well you see, little human, I am no man".

He saw you really tense then, your hands rippling the water in the bucket as they quivered. Sesshomaru even caught the subtle bob of your your throat as you attempted to gulp down your fears.

"Y-You are a- a demon then?" You asked with an obvious stutter for him to raise his eyes further so you could see the molten gold glowing amongst the brambles of green.

"It seems the little human is not a fool after all",

"I... I am no fool" you tried to say louder this time,

"Ah yes, of course. Because what fool does not run from a demon?",

"A brave one" you countered.

Sesshomaru couldn't help but release a single 'ha' of boisterous laughter, "you are practically shaking".

"I guess that makes me braver than most if I can stand in the face of fear and refuse to run".

Sesshomaru, looking back, had to commend you for that. Most days his mind would even wonder what would've happened if you were any other girl, if you had run that day, would the past be less painful?

"Again, mortals are nothing but fools" Sesshomaru huffed.

"Then can you teach me otherwise?", while still in the shadows Sesshomaru admired you openly. Humans, such weak creatures that persist through time and there you were, wanting to learn more than your predecessors.

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