Levi: Imagine you meet each other in the underground

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The lights held a greenish hue, it's colour permeating the air like poisonous gas. Your mother always said there was something in the air that made the people as they were: dangerous, ravenous, sinful. What stopped you from such a fate some may ask? You were pure, or that's what your mother said.

She was a prostitute in the underground, barely anything popular but with a handsome father to bless you, ever since a child you became the lonely flower in her desolate home. He was from above ground, his disposition woven with wealth, a golden thread and a silver spoon clenched between his false teeth. And despite the belated promises he whispered as he lay with your mother, you could tell there was a care buried in those lagging actions.

It was strange. Your father reeked of love when he visited you both, buying your mother's time to protect her from another slimy client and you from the cramped closet. But somehow in that time, love to you became a toxic notion of empty words and meek partners. You didn't see the benefit of giving your all to a stranger in hopes he'll grant your every wish but something simultaneously seemed oh-so lovely about it.

"You are distracted little one" you father spoke softly from the other side of the tavern table. He hadn't managed to get to your mother in time so instead he was forced to wait and save you in the meantime; even if that meant only stepping away from your reception job in the brothel.

"I am just thinking father" you mumbled from your cup of wine.

"Penny for your thoughts then", you raised your eyes toward your father. His soft brown hair was combed back and his face was sharp and regal, very much matching the privileged clothes he wore. There was no denying he was the most striking man in the room, his air dying the atmosphere with an aristocratic elegance that never suited the grimy tavern before.

He was royalty personified.

You then sighed softly, "when are we going home?",

"You want to go back to the brothel?" He questioned with a furrowed brow.

"No. Home. The one you keep promising mother. You always leave us here in this dump expecting us to rot here until you pluck up the courage to buy us out of this hell hole",

"You know I don't want that but things are complicated on the surface" he tried to soothe.

"That's a lie. What could be so complicated?",

"My reputation is frail right now, please-",

"Then it's been frail for nineteen years. I don't want to die down here father. Mother is only growing weaker, prostitutes -even if human- have an expiration date. I am begging you" you pleaded as you took your father's hand, hoping it would cement his promises.

"I... I apologise, but I cannot. The tensions on the surface are growing and there is a blurred line between life and death-" he placed his other hand on yours in comfort, "- I can't risk you getting hurt".

You couldn't help it. The hope crumbled and a blazing fire filled it's place in your heart. It boiled a poison in your stomach and pooled a white heat behind your blurring eyes.

It only took a moment for you to shake away his hands, kick yourself out of your chair and storm from the tavern. Never had you been so frustrated, you guessed wanting to prove your mind wrong is what led to this. Hope? What a fantasy, something unattainable in the Underground.

Like the back of your hand, you walked the streets, knowing this was safe territory. The gang which held headquarters in your brothel and maintained the peace protected you in particular. You were the daughter of a powerful noble upon the surface, niece to a gang leader, your privilege in the Underground was better than most's and you accepted that without ignorance.

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