Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"-and then he bit him in the leg, while pounding the other guy into dust. And after, he bathed in their blood and used their hides in his own personal trophy collection."

Everyone gasped at the tale Lynn, aka the gossip queen, dramatized in our local school cafeteria. As she told the tale of our esteemed mythical Alpha, everyone hung onto her every word. Best part was, she knew it. Lynn was the most confident, loud, bubbly person I have ever known. Worst of all, this ball of blithe was my best friend.

I just smiled as she recounted the newest rumor to hit our high school, laughing internally at everyone's rapt faces.

One guy raised his hand.

"Yes?" Lynn asked.

"How do you know?"

"What?" Her confused expression was golden.

"Well, how do you know that really happened? I mean, it seems a little farfetched if you ask me. The alpha that no one has ever seen in years or even knows is still alive commits all these gruesome stories that no one has probably ever witnessed. Sounds like some imaginary story to me."

Everyone in the crowd gasped.

Some even looked around in a panic, as if the alpha himself was going to come out and attack.

But Lynn seemed to ponder this for a moment. I chuckled under my breath when her gaze collided with mine and she gave a small, amused smile.

"That is an excellent question, Cliff." She turned her gaze back to him. One thing about Lynn was she always made it her mission to remember names.

"As you know, I can't tell you what to think. But what I can tell you is that as a student who makes it her job to report, I keep an open mind. However, it's your decision what you choose to believe and what you don't. Isn't that right fellow student?" She raised her voice at the last bit.

There was uproar of agreement and she smiled, getting off the cafeteria table she was standing on and sitting next to me, buzzing with the newfound praise she evoked from anyone stupid enough to listen to her.

"And that's how you get everyone's attention." She said, biting into her food.

"So?" I thought to her. "Where did you find that rumor today."

"My cousin, Lyle. He said his friend saw Alpha Veran do all those things when said friend snuck out to do it with his girlfriend."

I laughed, shaking my head at the silliness.

"Oh, please. As if that has ever happened. You should tell Lyle's friend that the sexual frustration must have gotten to him."

She choked on her food, cheeks turned motley shades of red at my strong language. Sure she thrived on attention, but she was a child at heart, who like any thrived on violence, and nothing else.


"What? You should be used to it by now. Besides, it's not my fault those people believe those stupid rumors."

"How do you know they're just rumors? You know, they can be real."

"All right, then tell me how Lyle's friend knew he used the pelts of his fellow species as his personal trophies? It's ridiculous!"

She shrugged. "I don't know. But in all honesty, I don't want to find out, especially if it's true."

I scoffed. "There is no possible way this can be true."

Veran: The Claim Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora