Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"What are we going to do? We're doomed! They're gonna find our bodies eaten by whatever." Milan's eyes widened in horror as she continued her ranting.

"What if they never even find us? Oh, no. They'll assume we ran away."

Cue the pacing.

"And then they'll call mom and dad, saying that they can't find us and then mom will faint and go into a coma. I mean, we're her children! This morning she wouldn't even let me leave with the car because she thought it was too dangerous and it took me hours to convince her. Hours! And now we have gone missing! Oh, god. And dad, dad will probably fuck Master Inez now that no one is there to stop them because we all know what they really do at those PTA meetings! And-"

"Okay!" Milito shook his sister, stopping her in the middle of her losing her mind.

"We get it. We're lost, okay. But the important thing to do is not lose our heads so breathe with me."


"Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. That's right. Good."

"Okay," I said, stepping closer to them and away from the creeping shadows that seemed to grow bigger. "Now that we all have our heads on straight, we have to figure out a way out of here."

Milan just nodded quickly while Milito let go of his sister.

"Right. So, the question is, what are we going to do now? I mean, we can't commute with others from our pack and that means we probably can't shift either. Which is good."

Milan is about to choke out her protest.

"Because," I cut her off, "this means we can narrow our location down and get home sooner."

Milito cocked his head and his eyes brightened as I finished speaking.

"That's right! We know that we are not in our pack's territory anymore and we also know that we can't be in any of the other pack's territory because everyone needs to commute with each other."

"That's wonderful," Milan cuts in, "but how exactly does that help us? Because we don't exactly know what's out there!" Milan points towards the deeper parts of the woods. "For all we know, we could be someone's lunch in a second and we can't do anything about it. So, tell me, dearest brother of mine, if we aren't in any pack's territory, than where the hell are we?"

Well, she's got me there. I looked towards Milito who just smiled.

"Hey, Leila, remember when you almost got suspended and I had to talk with Master Ekon because mom and dad were out of town?"

I nodded my head, recalling when I snapped at Master Kace for not wanting to sing the stupid pledge one morning. I mean, who would want to pledge their allegiance to a missing, assumed dead, Alpha? Well, I wouldn't. So, of course, Master Kace told Master Ekon about this stupid dilemma and Milito got called into the office to dissuade him from suspending me. After all, who would want a "walking, talking rebel in wolf's clothing" walking around the school?

"Yes. What about it?"

"Well, when I was in his office, I saw on the wall, get this, a map."

Milan's and my eyes widened as we shrieked, "A map!"

Milito nodded his head.

"Like with an actual scale drawing and colors and everything?" Milan said.

"Yes. And that map showed the entire region of Selnea. It even showed the Sky's Reflection and each pack's territory."

"Woah." My mind was officially blown.

Veran: The Claim जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें