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"so it's true" Sanam aunty said in a firm tone. It wasn't loud but it sent shivers down my spine.
She held a bundle of newspaper in her hands with the article of us printed vividly on the front page, showcasing the tragic mistake that I had made. A mistake that had brushed off my future into a black abyss of tears.
"How could you Persis?" She said in a disappointed tone.
"Mom I can explain. Meher please go to the room" Persis sternly asked me  to leave.
Before I could take a step, Sanam aunty looked me in the eye. There was so much loathing that I was frozen in my place.
"I thought better of you, haven't you and your family destroyed ours already?" She said with disgust dripping from each word
I bowed my head and said a timid sorry. In my heart, I knew, no amount of sorry is going to be sufficient.
"Meher go, I said" Persis yelled.
A little startled, I said a quick sorry and walked towards his room.
After taking a few steps, I looked up and froze again.
Tears started to form in the corners of my eyes. My throat felt dry and I gulped a painful breath of air as I saw Persis's dad sitting on the wheelchair at the huge mahagany dining table. Body abnormally tilting to the right, with the right hand skewed and his lips lopsided. This was the first time I was seeing him in his state of paralysis and my heart broke into a thousand pieces.
All the thoughts about me being in an unfair situation blew out of my mind. This is what we, my family had done to a wall of a man. Crumpled on a wheelchair.
The last few days, suddenly seemed legitimate. It all made sense. I had served my father a rich and kind family on the platter and he did what he always does, he slaughtered them.

I walked towards the dining table, tears freely flowing down my cheeks. He still looked at me with kindness and I wanted to take my dad's belt and punish my self this time. The guilt was creeping in and hovering over my entire entity.
I put the bag of fruits on the table and took a step towards him.
I just wanted to say sorry to him. Hold his hand and tell him how guilty I was. How I wished I had never met his son and ruined his life.
"I said in the room, Now" Persis yelled so loudly that dread settled deep in my gutt. Out of instinct I ran into the room.

I slowly sat on the bed and felt the excruciating pain in my abdomen. I quickly stretched my body and lay down a bit with my head resting on the headboard.
After a few seconds, the image of Persis's dad came rushing back to my mind and a fresh streams of tears rolled down my puffy eyes.
I was glad that I was alone in that moment because I cried a thousand tears.


Almost an hour had passed and Persis had not yet returned. I had stopped crying and just stared at the wall. I was famished.
I had left the bag of fruits on the dining table.
I was contemplating if I should go outside and get them or wait for some more time. I could hear some hushed voices and knew they were probably sitting out and still talking.
After another 20 mins,and severe hunger pangs, I got up and opened the door a little.
I peeped out and the area was empty. They were probably in the bedroom next door.
I quickly opened the door and got out.
I walked as quickly as I could in this state and picked the bag of fruits and walked back to his room.
"No I don't understand Persis" Sanam aunty yelled.
The voice was a bit muffled as the door was closed but it was still audible.
"How on earth is she going to pay that kind of money? Nothing that you say makes sense" she continued.
She was right. How on earth was I gonna pay back? Unless I sell my kidneys, I thought.
"Persis, You choose her over us, didn't you? She was getting married to Darius and you chose her. You don't care how that makes us feel" She said sounding hurt and devastated.
"Absolutely not Mom. I was gonna use her to get back at her dad but the plan didn't work. She means nothing to me" He said honestly.
And just like that, my heart broke into a thousand pieces yet again.
I walked in the room and shut the door quietly. I leaned on the door and rest my head on it. I closed my eyes and let the tears stain my face again.
To hear the person you love the most say that you mean nothing to them was like a thousand needles poking your flesh.
I slowly walked to the bed and I felt as if I was encroaching on his space.
I wasn't hungry anymore, yet I took a banana and peeled it. I ate it like a starved person I was. I needed to recover. I needed to work. I needed to make money.
I needed to pay the debt. I needed to get my dignity back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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