Happy Birthday!!

74 9 2

Languages used; Afrikaans, Bangla, Catalan, Danish, Estonian, French, German, Haitian Creole, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Latvian, Maltese, Persian, Queretaro Otomi, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu, and Welsh because I've crashed Google Translate

Quick A/N: So, It's Xye's birthday! Say happy birthday to her if you want and, here we go.

@Xyekem Happy Birthday!! You're an amazing friend and have a good day. Here's a chapter.

So I present to you; Happy Birthday, by Google Translate

Tobek, the day of day is a great day.

Topek, the day of day is a great day.

Ayya Xye Tribune

Tabraek day.

Friends are good and real in the morning.

O.B.A. Friend Ancient Siya and White Ista

Shema Ba Man Me End?


So, that was strange and short, but I still wanted to do it.


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