6. lies

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Two days had passed since Billie's mother called. It wasn't sadness anymore, but anger, and she hadn't been on the nerves for a while. Everything irritated her, even the sound of the wind in the trees. That morning, she hadn't eaten, and her stomach was empty. Unfortunately, she was already too late to go buy something from the distributor.

This morning, everything was done to irritate her ; four students were chatting in front of her locker. She was ready to rush on them, and ask them to go away calmly, but, they hadn't chosen the better day, and 'calm' would surely not be in the discussion. But as she walked, she realized that it wasn't just a discussion between 'friends', but a kind of bullying vis-a-vis of the one against her locker. She stopped, and watched them, like most of the other students in the hallway. It was Chaise's dogs, and one of the nerd of the school. Billie couldn't really hear what they were saying but she had to stop it. 1) because they were blocking the access to her locker, and 2) because she hated this kind of behavior. She approached, and positioned herself between the victim and the bullies.

"Hey!" she says.

They looked up and down at her, while the victim looked down, looking at his shoes.

"We were talking with-" Karl, one of the boys explained, but was cut off.

"Are you friends?" she asked, they remained silent, trying to find an answer, "I don't think so, so leave him alone. "

Karl moved a little.

"I don't know if you noticed, but we're a bit busy right now." he tried to convince her to leave them but even if she wanted to, she couldn't.

"Yeah, I see that, but right there," she pointed her locker, "it's my locker".

Ryan, the boy who was being harassed, tried to moved from where he was, but Karl pushed him back.

"Oh... well, wait a minute, it won't be long ."

She didn't move, and watched him. Billie couldn't stand how these guys could make fun on a boy, who obviously couldn't defend himself, and get away that easily, thinking they were cooler than the others. She answered faster than expected, probably because of her nerves.

"How long? As long as the dick that gave Hannah an STD ? That's why you break up with her right? Because you were too scared to have it then. In addition, she had cheated on you right ?... Obviously, it wasn't you, so it was someone else?" then she turned to the people who were watching the scene "But imagine, in fact , she hadn't cheat, but he was the one giving her, 'cause he can't properly wash his little friend?"

The students laughed in the hallway.

"And even if she really cheated on you, I couldn't blame her, I would rather catch an STD from another dick, than just rub against yours."

Karl was visibly angry, and she really got on his nerves, almost as much as she was herself.

"You're a bitch."

"Yeah I know thanks, you're not the first telling me that, but now, can you move from my locker?

But he had decided not to move.

"You're really funny with all your deductions right now, but you couldn't just let us finish with-"

"You are on my way right now." she stared at him straight in the eyes.

He had a step back, but then walked back to her, almost sticking his face to hers. Billie didn't flinch, even when he stroked his fingertips on her cheek.

"Listen to me, babygirl, I really don't want to damage your pretty face, but-"

This time he was interrupted by a voice that Billie hated just as much.

The reason why we have to win - Billie Eilish fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now