9. room

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AN/ sorry, I don't know what happened with wattpad for me yesterday... but now the chapter is here.

Brandon returned to the classroom. There were no free chair close to Billie, who was focused on what she was drawing on her notebook. He never asked her where she got all her inspiration from. He had noticed that she wrote a lot, and had already heard her play and sing in the music room. He had fallen for her voice and her words.

Brandon therefore sat down at a few chair far from her, and she smiled at him and greeted him with her hand. The class started.

"Open your books on page 256, and read the first paragraph."

Brandon opened the book but didn't really want to read . Anyway it didn't last long before the class got interrupted.

"Sir? Can I go to the infirmary ? I have a headache..."

"Miss O'Connell. Is that another excuse to get out of class?"

"No, it really hurt."

The professor sighed.

"Okay, but let someone accompany you, to be sure you don't leave the school. Brandon? Will you?"

Brandon nodded and stood up.

"Do you really have a headache?" he asked her once they're were out of the classroom.

"Of course, I'm not the type of girl to lie about it."

"You sure about the last part ?"


They entered the infirmary, which was empty. Two beds were installed, and the large cabinet was closed. Mrs. Laren, the nurse, came straight to them.

"What's going on Billie?"

"I have a headache since this morning."

Mrs. Laren made her sit on one of the armchairs as did Brandon. She took out a thermometer and measured the girl's temperature like a six years old kids.

"What did you do last night? Did you go to a party? If so, you should know what it is."

"No, yesterday I did nothing special. I was with Brandon until about 8 p.m., then I drove all evening until 10 p.m., and then I went to bed. Nothing too exciting."

Mrs. Laren nodded her head, and pulled out a notebook. She wrote something, then walked over to one of the beds , and spoke to Billie again.

"I know no one can pick you up and take you home, and I can't take the risk of letting you go home by yourself, so stay here until the end of class, you can ask a friend to take you home. "

"You know what it is ?"

"Nothing serious, you don't have a fever, and apparently it's nothing provoked. Just get some rest." and stroked her back to appease her, and let her lie down. Then she came back to Brandon, who was listening to the conversation. "You could go get her things from her class and then you can come back if you want around noon to stay with her, she needs it. Lately, she hasn't seemed to be very well."

"How do you know ?"

"You know, of all the high school staff, I'm probably the closest to the students. They talk to me, confides. When Billie arrived here two years ago, everyone started talking about her. Wasn't necessarily good, of course. But when I had to treat her the first time, I quickly understood that she wasn't the type of girl to do what she was accused for. She never went to a therapist, but she always came here, because she knew that I was the only one who actually listened to her. I know when she is fine and not well. "

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