The curse

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Stampy's POV
"Hit the Target...?"
He chuckled despicably at me. "Yes, it is I, do you miss me?" He teased. "Why-" He interrupted me and spoke. "Shut up! Now listen to me. You know how you are allergic to cake now? I put a potion in your cake which will make you allergic to cake forever. Now you are allergic you must do as I ask of you,"
"I don't see why I have to..." I evenly spoke to him, but that angry look in his eye made me shut up. "You must kill your friends. And turn them into cakes. And remember this- if you do not give the cakes to me by 12:00 on January 17th, I'll kill the rest of your friends on my own- along with you! You cannot escape from this! IT IS A CURSE! IT IS A CURSE! A C-U-R-S-E!


"Stampy?" Amy rushed into the room as quick as she could. "I-I-I" I stuttered. "You were screaming and I came in as fast as I could. Did you have a bad dream?" "Well...."
"Kill her, kill her now." HTT whispered evily in my head. "Do it, or consider yourself DEAD."

"A-Amy, s-stay here..." I said in a weak voice. "I'll be back in a min..." I walked out of my room and downstairs into the kitchen. I turned on the light and nervously reached for the drawers. I slowly opened all the drawers until I found the one. I saw it. A long, jagged, turquoise object glistened in my eyes. I extended my paw to grab it. It's edgy, sharp curves, it's wooden, sterdy handle. Inside of the empty draw, was an unused diamond knife.

Amy's POV

Stampy came in, his pure orange fur blowing in the wind, his emerald green eyes sparkling in the moonlight... but he looked different. He seemed less cheerful and happy, instead he seemed sad, nervous, and heartbroken. "Stampy..." I whispered quietly. "Y-yes?" He mumbled. "You don't seem okay...did you have a bad dream?" He stood there for a minute, frightened. He then fell on his knees and sobbed into the floor. "Oh Stamps....."

I put a hand on his back. He slowly lifted up his head. "I-I-I-I'm sorry Amy....." his tail rose and in it's clutches was a diamond knife.

Stampy's POV

SLICE. She fell to the floor in a heartbeat. What have I done?!?! Blood oozed out of her chest, her eyes lifeless. To my surprise, her eyes were still open. I carefully closed them. I guess I had to do what had to be done. I picked her up and tiptoed outside.

          [~~~~Time Skip~~~~]

I was outside my house, near the tree train. "Where should I hide her?" I thought to myself. I eventually hid her behind the tree train, underground. I placed a trapdoor on top of the hole, and placed her on the cold stone floor. Tomorrow, I knew I had to do it.

OMG I can't believe I wrote dis O.O Anyways, shoutouts to:



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