Part one: Chains

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"your highness"

Your aching body is roughly shoved down, and your knees slam into cold marble stone. Tight restraints bind your shaking wrists, sore and red from your attempts to break free. You are covered in nothing more than a dirty rag, torn from your many days of travelling. A blindfold is wrapped firmly around your eyes, preventing any hope of sight. 

"We found an orphan girl on our way back, we thought you might some use of her"

Footsteps come towards you, echoing as if you are in a large room. 

"this runt?"

Theres a new voice, low and rough with a hint of aggression, but something about it makes your heart begin to race. The footsteps have stopped, and you have the feeling that someone is right in front of you, towering over you. 

There is a slight brush of the air on your dirty skin as the person crouches down, and a calloused hand brushes your jaw, forcing you to look up. Your skin tingles from the touch. 

"w-who are you..." You demand, but it comes out in a hoarse whisper. 

You've been travelling in cold and rain for days, with nothing more than hard dirt to sleep on and stale bread to eat. You weren't treated well in the slightest. 

A rough laugh fills the air, and the person stands back up. 

"You've gotta be kidding, but I suppose I can forgive you for your ignorance, after all with that blindfold it might be a little hard to see me" he says with a hint of amusement. 

His tone annoys you, and you grit your teeth, anger flaring in your chest. 

"Well I wouldn't be if your fucking men hadn't taken me, I dont know what you plan to do to me but you better let me go" you snap back, your voice regaining some confidence. 

Theres silence, and your chest tightens in tension and fear. You wait for the laugh, there isnt one. 

Suddenly something collides with your chest, and your knocked onto hard stone, groaning as pain shudders through your rib cage. 

"Dont you dare talk to me like that again, damn extra" he growls, his boot resting on your back. 

You struggle under him, but to no avail. 

"Take her to a cell, ill decide what I want to do with her later" he says, stepping back. 

Forceful hands grab both your arms and haul you up, dragging you away as you feebly try to struggle against their grip. 

.  .  .

You hear the click of a lock and the creak of an old door being swung open. Moments later you are shoved onto damp uneven stone and there is the crash of the door shutting again, followed by the lock. 

Foosteps fade away, and you are left in the damp cold and your own darkness. 

No one bothered to remove your blindfold or wrist bindings, and its a struggle to twist your body up into sitting position. You lean against the wall, your throbbing head meeting rough stone. 

You'd been an orphan only a few months, your parents were killed when your village was pillaged and burned by the new king quickly rising to immense power. His name was Katsuki Bakugou, and after inheriting the throne of the small kingdom of Gwerdrick it was his ambition to rule over the whole country as his ancestors once had, and was doing whatever it took to fulfil his plans. 

He'd swept over more than half the country by now, and it was a dreadful fate that within a year all that was of the country would belong to him. 

After your parents had been killed you'd managed to escape, and had been travelling from village to village, just barely getting by. But when you came across his men you'd been taken. 

Then it dawns on you, the man before...could have well been the king himself. You'd been travelling for almost two weeks, and on horseback that was enough to reach Gwerdrick.  

Your fingers curl into fists, and you let out a growl of anger, if it truly is Katsuki Bakugou, the one who took your parents and village and kingdom from you, then you will avenge him no matter the cost. 

Ok thats it for that thank you so much for reading and yes there will be romances and a little smut O-O but rn thats what

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