Part 2

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You hear the door to your cell being roughly pulled open, and heavy footsteps approach you. 

Your eyes flutter open to the dark fabric of your blindfold, how long have you been asleep? your head still hurts to much to speak. 

"What a pitiful sight you are" the person in front of you mocks. 

Its the man from before, King Bakugou. 

"Katsuki Bakugou" you growl. 

"Ah, so you finally figured out who I am eh?" he replies, the tip of his boot brushing your knee as he crouches down. 

"You, you bastard, you killed m-"

"hush" a finger presses to your lips, and Bakugous voice is low and quieter. 

Although you hate it, something about the way he spoke, and touch of his finger to your lips sends a warm rush through you. 

His finger slides down your chin, before going further and tracing the thin frame of your neck. 

Your whole body is gaunt and skinny from days without food. Every rib and bone protrudes hauntingly out of your pale, worn flesh. Your lips are dry and cracked, your eyes sunken and dark and your hair straggly and clumped with dirt. 

"You look half dead" he comments, his hand leaving you. 

A small part of you wishes for him to touch you again, but you shove it away. 

"Take the blindfold and rope off" you demand, ignoring the remark. 

He lets out a small, half laugh. 

"your certainly brave, speaking to a king like that" he says, "well I guess I could remove the blindfold, but the rope stays on, dont want you escaping, do we?". 

You grit your teeth at the way he talks, making you feel small, reminding you that your just a weak orphan girl held in his mercy. He could probably kill you right now if he wished, your courageous words dont quite hold true to your weak body. 

His hands slid around your head, and untie the fabric. The blindfold slips of your face, brushing your nose before falling down onto your thighs. 

You blink, swirling shadows and colors slowly coming into focus. 

When you look up at Bakugou, your eyes widen and your heart stops for a moment. 

He's certainly better looking than you expected, and despite your burning hatred for him you cant bring yourself to tear away your gaze.

Narrowed, fiery red eyes meet yours, and a grin spreads across his face. 

"Hotter than you thought?" he laughed. 

You look away, seething in anger. 

"Dont look like that" he says, leaning closer and sliding his hand around your jaw and forcing you to look back at him, "I did just do you a favour after all". 

You can feel his breathe hot on your skin, and your heart pounds in your chest in the almost intimate moment. 

"Your highness, reports have just come back from the latest pillage, it seems that they've gathered a small army and are fighting back"

Bakugou looks up, clearly annoyed that the moment has been interrupted. 

You feel a flicker of hope, maybe the country isnt completely doomed after all. 

"Ill be back" he tells you, getting back up. 

You watch him go, almost sad at his departure. 

He closes and locks the cell door again, giving you one last look with malevolent red eyes before disappearing down the shadowy hall. 

You let out a breathe you didnt know you'd been holding when hes gone, and look up at the depressing dark ceiling. You dont want to let him get to you, hes just messing with you, yet you cant ignore the feelings that rise within you as you remember what happened only moments ago. 

Once again thank you to anyone who actually read this! hope your enjoying UwU

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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