Chapter Four

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Yoongi had been staring down at the little character that fit so snug in his palm. He had been staring at the character for about an hour. He was supposed to be working, but he couldn't stop thinking about it.

He usually noticed everything about you. Sometimes studying your figure, the clothes on your body, and your accessories. Although this-- this little figurine had slipped from his gaze. It was bothering him. Such a subtle detail about you, and what you liked. 

Meanwhile, you were searching up, and down for that character. You sweated and your head hurt at the thought that it was gone forever. You had received it as a gift from an old friend when they cared about you. It was important because it was a gift.

A random one at that. It wasn't on your birthday, or near any holidays. She simply gave it to you with a smile on her face. A memory you could never forget. You had assumed it was hers. A thing she didn't want anymore, but she knew you still liked it.

The figurines smile, and its pose stuck in your mind. Your eyes swelled up and tears fell down. You had a hard time getting over past relationships. They stuck in your mind. Of the things you had with those people, and how fast it had to go. Tears fell down your cheeks and you huffed.

Where could it have gone? Where did you drop it? You had a hard time remembering the last memories. It had become a careless thing because losing it wasn't a problem to you. It didn't seem like a thing that would happen, but it had happened.

You mentally slapped yourself. How could you become so careless? When did you become so careless? You could certainly live without it. It wouldn't be hard to. You sighed. The headache dissolving as you reminded yourself that it wasn't important.

You sat down on your bed. Your weight making a dip in your mattress to how bad it was. You closed your eyes and pushed your hair back with two hands trying to calm down. You huffed, you've been stressing yourself out lately. Mostly unnecessary things.

We all have those times when we overthink things, things that we shouldn't. Sometimes it's good to take a break and relax. To stray away from things. Stress can kill you, and we all need to be safe.

Your mind wandered into another place as you leaned back with your eyes closed. All of your frustration turned into exhaustion. You smiled as you lied down to sleep, and forget all of this.

In the morning when you woke you slumped over the side of your bed. You had given out all your energy on one thing and now couldn't seem to focus on anything. The thought of eating, and doing your morning routine left your mind.

It was a nice Sunday. Cloudy, but bright with just the right amount of wind. You could tell that it would be nice weather to be active outside, but you didn't have the energy for that.

You blinked slowly, sleep calling to you ever so often. You yawned and felt around the nightstand for your phone. Where had that darn thing gone? You finally found it with a couple of missed calls from your parents.

To be honest you were a bit surprised. You thought they had left you for the dirt. You thought they were done with you. You gave them a call pack bringing the phone to your ear.

"Yes Mom?" you said as she picked up. Your voice wasn't of annoyance but of question. You were scared. Your mom and dad always had something to say to you. You would always just swallow it down, and not say anything to him about it.

"How are your grades so far? Have you been in school?" You rolled your eyes. Of course, she only called to know about your grades. That's always what she's wanted to know about. You rolled your eyes. You were tired of this treatment from her. Only caring about one thing.

"All good mom! All As just how you like them!" you said in a fake cheery voice. You were both annoyed and sad. You could've been murdered and she'd still want to know if your grades were at least good before you died. You had to be something to boast about, to show off. You hated that. What a sick thing it was. What a sick thing your mother did.

"That's good. Just wanted to check on you. I'll call again next week! Okay, bye!" With that, your mother hung up.

You made a slight pout and started to cry. 'Wanted to check on you.' What a lie. What a fucking lie. How disgusting it was. You wanted to scream and throw things. Your body ached for a temper tantrum. At least something to release the anger your body started to swell up with.

Nevertheless, the tears didn't stop flowing as you grabbed a light coat, and hung it over your shoulders. You walked out the front door and ran to the back of the house where there was a forest. You kept running and running until you were surrounded by nothing but trees.

You screamed and you yelled till your throat stung. You kicked branches around and broke them in half all while crying. You were so mad. All the bottled up emotions that were inside of you started to spill out of their jars. You fell on your knees and sat there crying.

You thought of the things you had done and what others had done. You sniffled wiping your tears away. Your face was red and puffy like your eyes. It was dark by now. You could remember what way you came from, or how long you had been there. All you knew is that you needed a way to get out. You searched in your coat pocket for your phone.

It wasn't there.

You needed to get out of there.

How would you get out of there?

Yoongi sighed. He hadn't heard you come back yet and started to get worried. Where were you? Where had you run off to? He felt his soul creeping out of his body. He found himself starting to lose his mind because you were gone.

He went through his contact list on his phone he rarely ever used. He dialed your number, it rang but he heard it ring from your room. He went to your room, but to his dismay, you were there. You weren't home.

He looked at the clothing rack. Your coat was gone. He knew you had gone out. He had heard your footsteps outside to the back of the house. To the forest. He put his palm to his forehead. He let out a hard sigh.

Was he going mad? Why was he forgetting things lately? Why have things been slipping from his mind? What was going on with him?

He grabbed his coat and ran out of the house making sure to take his coat and phone. He ran into the forest, his eyebrows were furrowed. He had never run faster in his life. It was all to get to you. To have you in his arms.

He found you scared and crying on the floor. He picked you up bridal style and pushed your hair away from your face.

"You okay, Y/N?"


1.2 k words

I tried to finish this as fast as I could. I'll write Namjoons part on Monday, or tomorrow. Its currently 1:56 am for me. They only take a short while for me. Inspiration has been spurling recently. I do want to know if you guys want me to write a CryBaby au. There's so much story I could do, but it would be vulgar and graphic. I also have been catching up on Fazbear Fright's so that's exciting too! See you all next time my lovelies!


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