Chapter Five

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"You okay, Y/N?" Yoongi looked deep into your eyes. His gaze first on your face then trailing down to check that you weren't hurt from anywhere. He was cradling you like a child. Holding you so close you felt safe and secure.

"Mmhm," you slowly nodded. You stared back at him. "I think you should be more worried about the tree branches. They're the ones who got abused by me." you cracked a smile.

Yoongi took a moment to look around. He noticed all the tree branches. They were all broken. Not to mention that some bark was also torn from the trees.

He turned back to you with his eyebrows furrowed. He was perplexed. "You did this? Did someone hurt you to make you act like this? Do you need to see someone?"

Now you weren't swept off your feet. You were more offended. "No, I'm fine." You pushed to get away from his grasp. He let you go.

"Let's go back to the house. It's late." Yoongi said. He seemed more distant and colder. His eyebrows were still perfectly furrowed as he led the way back to the house. You followed close behind.

You still didn't like the way he talked to you. Like you were some kind of psychopath. You rolled your eyes. He didn't even see you so it didn't matter.

When you got inside the house, everything felt so tense. It wasn't like the more care-free air that normally filled the house. You could still feel Yoongi's anger, or what you presumed it to be.

In reality, Yoongi was confused and annoyed. Confused at your reaction, and annoyed at the way you acted towards him. He knew he had done something wrong, but didn't want to admit it.

He knew someone did something. It had to be someone close to you too. Something you didn't want others to know because you were scared of people finding out. He was going to respect your wishes for now. That didn't mean that he wasn't going to snoop around.

It's not like he didn't already. Often while you were at school he'd go in your room to look at your things. To his surprise, you didn't have a lot. It's that or you had more things put away than out.

He went to his room right away when you two entered the house. He was going to work on his music and internalize his feelings. Isn't that what art is? Putting your feelings to work, so you can express them? So you can find a way to figure them out?

Either way, it was calming to him., as was your work to you. A way to forget about things and go to limbo. You had retreated to your room as well and has started on some projects and homework. Working hard per usual. Working hard because you two were addicts.

And the same thing made you numb.

You woke up late the next morning, your body ached. Your stomach felt as if someone took a 1000 paged hard covered textbook and was slamming it against your stomach. You curled up in a tiny ball. You weren't hungry in fear of throwing up.

You didn't have any classes today, and if you did, you would've canceled. You pulled your laptop closer to you opening it and working. You still had to turn in a couple of assignments today. You began to work on them for a few hours.

In the middle of working, you had fallen asleep. It was the only way to get through the pain that your stomach had given you. When you woke up Yoongi hovered over you in a concerned gaze. It made you feel a bit uncomfortable. He was close to your face. There-- as always, was a tension between you two.

"You okay? You seem pale." Yoongi kept his intense stare at you. You stared back blankly. Your brain wasn't processing anything. To be honest, you were still sleepy. You simply nodded as you came back to reality. You were too tired to form words. "Still, I'll make you soup. Lay back down. I'll be right back." He smiled and left your room.

You were falling back asleep. Your eyes were heavy anyways. You pulled the covers over to your chest and snuggled into the blanket. You fell back into a nap as Yoongi cooked for you.

Yoongi was scared. You were so pale, and you didn't know it. He didn't even know what kind of soup to make you. He didn't know how you were sick. He was looking at different cans in the kitchen, debating on which one he would make.

He looked back and forth between the tomato basil soup and the chicken noodle soup. He was debating between the two. He was already wasting so much time. Which soup would take less time to cook? The tomato one.

Yoongi stared at it while looking up at it in his hand. He guessed it would have to do for now. He got the can opener and proceeded to make the soup. He hummed a few of his songs while making it. Even though he wasn't the best cook, he tried to make it the best for you. (I apologize if you don't like tomato basil soup.)

He smiled at his work as he poured some in a bowl for you. He also got some saltine crackers and put them on a separate plate. He brought them to your room on a cookie tray. He didn't have any fancy tray or a fancy table for the bed.

He set them down on your nightstand. He propped you upon your bed. He put pillows on your back and head for support. He pulled your desk chair to your bed, so he could feed you on it. He poked your cheek softly. He didn't want to do anything to hurt you, but he needed you to wake up.

You fluttered your eyes open, and once again your eyes trailed down from his eyes to his lips. You didn't fell so tired anymore. Was it because you got the sleep you needed, or due to your desire to kiss him?

He flashed you a smiled and pulled back from the stare. His attention went to the soup on the nightstand. He pulled the bowl onto his lap. "Say 'Aaa'."

You obliged and he fed you the soup. You ate it and enjoyed it. He occasionally gave you the saltines dipped into the soup. The resentment you had for him earlier went away. He was being kind to you now. Somewhat showing you that he cared and that he was over it. You smiled and you soon realized you had been blushing this entire time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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