Chapter Four

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        Nate parked a few streets away from the stroll. I sighed. My dad had invited me to go with his new family. I said no, not much to his surprise. He just shook his head and ignored me for the rest of the night. Dinner had been brutal lately. What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t force myself to be with them.

“Are you okay?” Nate asked. “I could bring you home to change.”

“No, It’s okay.” I shrugged.

“Is it?”

“He’ll forgive me.”

“He will but we’re getting older now. We’re graduating. It’s not like the other years.” I looked at him and sighed.

“I can’t.” he nodded and squeezed my shoulder.

“I love you.” He kissed my cheek before I got out of the car. We crossed the streets to the stroll together. I couldn’t spot Annabelle but it wasn’t about to force Nate to stay with me.

“I’ll see you later. Thank you.”

        I wondered around looking for the float. This was around the time that it would have come down the street. I saw people throwing confetti and starting to crowd the sidewalk. He was coming. Music blared as Santa waved to the little kids. I watched him as his float went down the street. Suddenly the music stopped. He stood up and the kids ran to him like rabid fans. Oh no. He had never gotten of the floats in all the years I’d attended. I couldn’t believe it. He was much taller than me and his stomach was a lot larger. I wasn’t completely sure that it was prosthetic either. He stumbled his way off his float.  I scanned the crowd for Annabelle. Annabelle was surely would surely notice that he smelled like liquor and not Justin Bieber perfume. I ran across the street to him and tried to wade my way through the kids.

“Santa!” I yelled. I felt like a Godzilla pushing his way through tidal waves. “Santa!” It felt like planes were going to come down and shoot me down at any moment.

“Yes, little-umm yes?”

“I have to talk to you. I’m taking over your shift.” I whisper screamed.

“Oh,” he smiled. He followed me into the closest restaurant. I changed in the bathroom as quickly as possible then come out again. He was gone before I came out. I walked out and was instantly surrounded by kids. They smiled and giggled telling me all about themselves.  After a while, they returned to their families though, leaving me alone.  I walked for a while passing people and wondering why I didn’t think of a meet up spot for Annabelle and I.  Most of the town had showed up that night. People were pouring in and out of city hall and the restaurants around it. Maybe she was eating somewhere. Just as I was about to enter a store, I heard an adorable voice call my name.

“Santa!” she yelled. I turned back and smiled at Annabelle. He rushed into my arms for a hug. “Thank you for coming. Your plan worked!” she exclaimed.

“Really?” I said looking around for the man I had yet to meet.

“Mommy’s perfect guy is over there.” She said pointing to the hot chocolate stand right across from us. “That’s my mommy.” She pointed to a pretty brunette woman wearing a soft looking blue beanie. Her hair was in large curls that went down her back like she was ready to compete for a pageant title. “And that’s Mr. Parker,” she said. He was facing away from us, ordering a drink most likely. From what I could see, he was a tall man with salt and pepper hair. Something about his felt so familiar but I had to force myself from jumping to conclusions. Parker was a common last name. Then he turned around. This must have been a joke. The guy that Annabelle thought was perfect for her mom was my goofy physics teacher who laughed like a drunk clown. Once Mr. Parker got his drink, they started heading towards us.

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