Chapter Five

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When Annabelle visits, it’s at the end of one of my earlier shifts. Jack is with her and so it her mother. She came running to me as her brother strolled behind her.

“Hi Santa,” she smiled.

“Hey, what’s going on?”  I hugged her.

“I have a plan!” She said.


“Yeah, I think they should go on a date.” She whispered in my ear as her mother got closer.

“Hello, Santa.” She smiled.

“Hello!” I grinned.

“Annabelle wanted to see you so we all came.” She smiled.

“Hey,” Jack said casually. He looked a bit happier today. I wasn’t even stunned as I said hi to him. We had been seeing each other a lot more in school. We got paired up by Mr. Parker on a lab so we’ve been working together all week.

“Hey,” I smiled, feeling like I was actually knew him now.

“We’ll leave you two alone for a while.” Her mom said. She left and Jack strolled over to the food court.

Annabelle and I headed towards some tables near the food court but far enough from Jack so that we could talk.

“Are you sure you want to do more planning? I think they already like each other.” I assured her.

“I know they do but I want mommy to be more happy.” I nodded. “I think maybe they should go on a date.”

Just then I heard her mom yell her name. “Annabelle,” she yelled.

“Can you and my brother plan it please?” she asked with large eyes.

“What?” Why would I ask him for help?

“I don’t know anything about dates. Jack does.”

Her mom came out over us with a worried look on her face. “Anna, have you seen my wallet?’

“Oh this mommy?” Annabelle held it up. My jaw dropped.

“Yes,” her mom said eyeing her. Annabelle’s innocent smile didn’t falter.

“Can I come shopping with you mommy? Are you buying Jack’s present?”

“Um…Yes, Santa said Jack wasn’t very good this year but I still want to get him clothes.”

“Okay, I want to come.” She stood.

“What about Santa?” she said desperately looking at me.

“Yeah, don’t leave me.” I said.

“Jack is all alone so you can spend time with him. Didn’t you want to talk to him, Santa?” she batted her eyes. Was I being hoodwinked by a little girl?

“Yes,” I said reluctantly. Before I could say a word, she disappeared with her mom in the crowd of shoppers.  I looked around and spotted Jack eating by himself. I dragged myself over there while giving myself a pep talk in every step. I could do this. Who knew how he would feel? I surely didn’t. He seemed like he would be fine with it though. “Hey Jack,”

“Hey,” he said. I sat down and took a deep breathe.

“So your sister,”

“Just ruined the chances of my mom buying her presents today. I know.”

“What? Well, yes but,”

“My mom wants us to go in her place.”


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