Dms between Daniel & Corbyn

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Space Man☄️
Tell me!!
What happened

I was playing video games
with her brother. He left
to go to the bathroom and
then Sabrina came downstairs.
She sat next to me and started
talking but I wasn't listening
because I was playing the game

Space Man☄️
That doesn't explain how
she was on you?!!

Like I said I wasn't listening
so she put her leg on me and
got her phone put it on a timer
She put her arms around me.
Got a picture and left I thought
she had deleted it. I told her
brother he went to talk to her
she said she deleted but she
obviously didn't

Space Man☄️
That's messed up!!
You gotta talk to Lauren

She's not replying to me

Space man☄️
I'll tell her to answer you

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