☂︎𝗃𝗎𝗇𝗀 𝗃𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇☂︎

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alone again. just sitting on the couch, barely even paying attention to the tv. this was at least the 6th night in a row that he was late and didn't say anything. when he did come home, he was cold and never spoke. he just showered, ate some, then slept. it was like he barely knew you anymore, like the two of you just met all over again. it made you feel like utter garbage and he knew nothing about it, but tonight just felt different. the entire vibe felt like it was severely thrown off. you were drowning in your thoughts, 'what if there's somebody else?' 'is he even taking care of himself?' 'does he love me anymo-' the sound of keys jangling at the door interrupted your thoughts. you spun your head around and saw a tired jaehyun kick off his shoes and make his way towards the bathroom, not even glancing at you or saying hi. not acknowledging that you even exist. you sighed and made your way to your bedroom, hearing the shower turn on and clothes dropping to the floor as you passed the bathroom. you laid down in bed, feeling the tears slowly creep into your eyes and your throat begin to burn. you decided to just let it all out, there's no point in holding it back anymore. not like he'd even notice. everything about you came undone, your act that you didn't care, your emotions, everything. you were so drowned in your own tears that you didn't even hear the door open and didn't feel jaehyun climb into bed. you were interrupted, yet again, by him putting his arms around you. it's good he faced away, because you didn't want him to see the rage in your eyes.
"baby, what's wrong?" the fact that he sounded genuinely oblivious just set you off,
"what's wrong is that it feels like i'm invisible to you. you come home late, shower, and sleep. you don't even call or text anymore. you don't even fucking look at me. am i nothing to you? not enough to even say a small hi here and there?" you stated. he was taken aback, he knew he was being distant but didn't know it affected you this much. he muttered,
"i'm sorry." and that set aflame the fire in you. what once was dim is now burning brighter than the sun.
"like hell you are. if you were sorry it wouldn't have gone on this long. it's been what, a week or two since you've even spoken to me? what the fuck is up with that? am i that far below you?" you chuckled, "i'm getting some water. my throat hurts." you threw the covers over and swung your legs over the side of the bed, standing up and slowly heading towards the door. you were stopped by words,
"you're joking. why are you being so petty about it? i work hard to keep us stable and keep you happy, and this is what i get? i'm sorry, but what the fuck? i stay late, i barely eat, just for you to be a bitch?" you cut him off,
"a BITCH?! IM the bitch?! i swear to fucking god, i'm so sick and tired of you only fucking caring about yourself. it's always i do this and i do that but you never stop to even think about what i do. and what, keep me happy? that's obviously fucking working. seriously, what is so far up your ass that you think you're above me? what makes you think you're making a god damn difference?" she bursted. he had only seen her like this once or twice, but never so direct and open. she laughed and shook her head, opening the door and walking out of the room. he knew he messed up, big time. he got up hastily and followed her, watching as she grabbed her coat, shoes, and keys. he hated to see her like this,
"y/n, please-"
she turned around, "please what? please stay? and why should i do that? so you can ignore me again and again? i'm done, jaehyun. i'm just done. i can't fucking do this anymore. i might be back later. depends." she spoke as she turned the door knob and left. he watched as she turned on the car and drove off, standing in the doorway feeling the breeze on his bare shoulders and wet hair. he muttered a small 'fuck' under his breath and went back inside, knowing he couldn't do anything about it. he grabbed his phone and texted her,
please come back soon. it's cold out and i don't want you getting sick.
read 1:24am

~time skip wee woo~

he woke up to knocking on the door. he quickly rushed down and opened it, revealing a clearly pissed yuta. he went to greet him but was interrupted,
"you fucked up. you really fucked up." he spoke, monotone. jaehyun sighed and looked down,
"i know. do you know where she is?" he looked up, meeting yuta's fiery eyes. he nodded,
"yeah she's on my couch, still crying. she's been sobbing since 2am, it's 6am. what would you do that for? all she has ever done is love and respect you." he growled. jaehyun nodded his head, opening his mouth to say something, only for it to be shut down, "she took off her ring last night." yuta spoke. jaehyuns face dropped and his heart raced.
"her engagement ring? she took it off?" she lowly spoke. yuta nodded. jaehyun felt the tears collect at the back of his throat. this was it. yuta moves to the side, pointing towards his car,
"get in quick or you'll just have to wait until she decides she wants to come back." jaehyun quickly walked until yuta grabbed his arm, "and just keep in mind, i'm not doing this for you. i just don't want her unhappy again? you hear? so if you fuck up again i am NOT giving you another chance and neither is she." jaehyun weakly nodded, heading towards yuta's car and getting in, bracing himself for the worst.

~another time skip ahaha~

you were laying down on the couch, enveloped in a blanket, staring blankly at the wall. you were so drained and tired from crying all night, your puffy eyes fluttering as you bounce in and out of sleep. you were close to slumber when the sound of the door opening caused you to look up. you saw yuta and gave a small wave, he returned it. then he moved out of the way, walking behind the couch as you made eye contact with jaehyun. you sat up, the blanket sliding down your shoulders a bit. he waved and weakly smiled at you, but your expression didn't falter. you fully sat up, legs criss-crossed, rubbing your tired eyes.
"this outta be rich." you mumbled. he sighed, walking towards you and sitting next to you on the couch. he spoke up,
"listen, i'm sorry. i really am. i know i messed up and i really am so so sorry for it." he looked down, sighing, "sleeping without you in the same bed is a lot worse than i thought it would be. every night i would come home to you sleeping, and i would hug you. you never knew because i always woke up before you, but it was nice. i barely slept. i can assume it was the same for you. look, i want us to work. i love you too much to let you just walk away. yes, i said some things that i shouldn't have said-" she cut him off,
"you called me a bitch." she sniffled. he didn't realize until now that she was crying again. god, he felt so horrible.
"i know, and i'm sorry. i was so angry in the moment and i really didn't mean it. if worst come to worst, i can talk to my boss about hours and we can see what we can do. i love you, okay?" he held her hand in his as he looked at her. she was glaring at the ground, not sure what to think. on one hand, he sounded genuine, on the other, he sounded manipulative. she knew she wanted to make up her mind soon, no more waiting and questioning. she thought about it for a second before speaking,
"speak to your boss. i'll come back tonight but if it doesn't get fixed, i don't know if i can do this anymore." she spoke, looking into his eyes. the eyes she always seems to get lost in without fail. he the same. he smiled at her and she chuckled back.
"so do you still love me? or do i need to show you how much i love you first?" he spoke in a deep tone. she blushed, looking down, about to respond until she heard a fake gag from behind her.
"please go home guys that's so gross. if i even catch you guys kissing on my couch you're never coming back." spoke yuta in a disgusted tone. the two just chuckled. everything was ok.

holy long. please ,,, this was so bad i'm sorry i'm-
requests are open

𝑁𝐶𝑇 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑠Where stories live. Discover now