03 sugar for Sheldon

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At 4b

Howard- I need to see her again she's the one

Raj- That's what you say about every girl you see

Howard- No I'm sure this time

Sheldon- You guys are nonsense all you think about Is girls and coitus when there's so many important things over there to think about

Leonard- Says you who is playing with trains

Sheldon- No it's not playing it's not just a train Leonard you wear superman underwears

Leonard- You wear superman shirts

Sheldon- They look good on me

Raj- That's true

They all stared at Raj with an awkward silence

Sorry Leonard but you are short

Howard- OK that's not the point

Raj- True

Sheldon- You have a Raj why you want a girl

Raj- Yeah why you want a girl

Howard- Raj you're a girl can someone please just listen to me

Sheldon- Well Maybe is on the fac

Howard- Sheldon we get it you probably like penny

Leonard- Sheldon had feelings whaaat

Sheldon- Fine let's help Howard get rejected again

Howard- Yay OK now where could we possibly find her

Sheldon- First of all the cheesecake factory that's for sure and I need to go to my friends house named penny who is as far as I know a female attached to alcohol but I hope she had sugar for my coffee

At 4a Sheldon knocks three times

Sheldon- knock knock knock penny knock knock knock penny knock knock knock penny

Penny open the door

Penny- Hey wakadoodle

Sheldon- For the last time that's

Penny- you're so tall

Penny whispers

Sheldon- Um yeah anyways do you have some sugar

Penny- Sorry what I was spacing out

Sheldon- I was wondering if I could have some of your sugar but you're currently drunk so I'll just tell Leonard to take me to the sto

Penny interrupts Sheldon with a kiss

Penny- You talk to much

Sheldon- First Lenoard's mom now you what's wrong with you lady's thinking you can just go ahead and

Penny kisses him again and hands out a bottle

Penny- You're just so adorable when you're mad

Sheldon- Thanks for the sugar I guess I'll have to go wash my mouth and wonder around my room thinking about what just happened

Penny- And I've to stop drinking

Sheldon- Yes you do

Sheldon closes the door and starts blushing and opens his door

Sheldon- Lets go

Leonard- Where

Sheldon- We're looking for the shorty

Howard- So you're helping me

Raj- I'm not sure about this

Howard- Yeah you're right this isn't Sheldon Lee Cooper maybe there's something in the sugar

Leonard- As far a I know penny only drinks alcohol that's it

Sheldon- You guys talk to much Have you ever noticed that

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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