The curve of your ass

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Ragnar had found you on the outskirts of Kattegat at the edge of his path home. Sitting alone and sniffling as you wiped away tears from your cheeks. It was Lagertha who had first noticed you a few days after you were married. She'd been so distracted she had to call Ragnar's attention to you.

Now whenever one of them went into Kattegat they would look out for you, reporting back to the other. "(Y/N)?"

"Oh! Ragnar... I am sorry!" You blubbered out as you hurried to your feet and out of his way. He started to pass but noticed a few of your belongings with you.

"Are you going on a trip?" He asked curiously as you glanced away from him for a moment.

"My husband threw me out because he has found a new wife." You admitted timidly. Ragnar's expression hardened for a moment before he glanced towards the town and then looked at you again.

"Well you will just have to come home with me." He said and grinned at you until you gave him an uncertain look.

"He says I must leave Kattegat." You answered quietly.

Ragnar growled under his breath for a moment. He knew your husband and it wouldn't surprise him if the man was trying to steal your dowry and weasel out of following the marriage contract between the two of you. "Come on now, I insist. You will stay with us until everything is settled."

You weren't given an option to object. Ragnar reached down and took as much of the few belongings you hand in his arms and started to walk the path to his home. Picking up the rest as you followed after him you wondered what Lagertha would say to your sudden arrival. She had never liked your husband, something she voiced loudly and often. She had gotten to know you a little better than Ragnar who liked to lurk nearby and watch you dance with his wife when there were gatherings in town.

As you approached the farm you slowed into nervous steps. Ragnar noticed and smiled to himself as he approached Lagether who was watching the two of you curiously near the doorway of their home. "I see you have brought a get home with you. I asked for sustenance, food to tide us over for winter... "

"She has been thrown away by her husband. I could not just leave her lost in the woods. A small thing like her would be devoured with no one to protect her."

"Ah. You wish to protect her from the wilderness?" Lagertha teased. She had no problem with you staying. In fact she had already decided on how she would address Earl Haraldson and Siggy as to your husbands attempts to steal your dowry. His affection and desire for you would not steal away her chance to torment Ragnar just a little.

"She is not like you Lagertha. Hmm, she is... strong in a different way than you."

"Because she is not a Shieldmaiden you need to protect her?"

"She was in tears and alone, in need of help. I had to help her before someone else could take advantage."

"Of course husband." Lagertha said with a smile as she kissed Ragnar. "(Y/N), come." She motioned for you to approach and slid her arm around your waist as she let you into the cabin and threw a careless smile at Ragnar who watched the two of you walking away.

It took a mere three days to have Ragnar wounded and pensive. Like a beast in a cage. Ragnar would not touch nor seduce you. After all his wife had not given him an indication he could. But Lagertha flirted and teased, just enough that only Ragnar knew what was happening. The gentle touches she pressed against your shoulders or arms. The way she would have you kneel so she could braid your hair and look up at Ragnar from your knees.

Today would be the final straw and Lagertha knew it. It sent a shiver of excitement through her. She waited for Ragnar to become distracted by you. Watching you doing some menial chore. "Does the curve of her ass not make you want to sink your teeth into that soft flesh until she moans your name?" She hummed as she leant her chin on Ragnar's shoulder, hands sliding round his waist as she leant into him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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