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     "Just stay still and stop squirming. DAMN IT!" If looks could kill this camper would be dead. Anyway let me inform you on what's happening,

~~15 Minutes Ago~~

    "H-Hey Maileen? Can we spar? I want to see if I could beat you. I know you're really strong but please" I see a small kid maybe about 9 years old ask me. Oh yeah, he's the kid that got claimed as Hermes. He's been here for awhile wonder if he looks up to anyone. "Sure kid. Any specific rules or weapons? I'll let you choose since I'm nice like that" I give him my best smile trying not to scare him. He tells me that the only rule is I can't use my bow and arrows or a sword. My smile turns into a smirk and the kid in front of me flinches when I crouch to his level. I give him a small nod and back up getting in position. I will use hand to hand combat and dodging until he gets visibly tired. Then I'll hit him with my photokineses. The kid is extremely fast I will give him that. Punch after punch kept getting aimed at my stomach, shoulders, or face. An occasional kick would come my way and let me tell you, it was difficult to dodge with how fast they were. I landed punches on his shoulder, his left eye, and stomach a few times. My two years of acrobatics came in handy with dodging. The kid backed up and watched me taking deep breaths trying to control his breathing. Now I initiate phase two. My hands glowed and light started to surround me as the kids eyes widened. I made my light into little lines sharp enough to seriously do damage. I sent them at him and he get sliced multiple times on his bare arms and legs. He kneels on the ground after the light stops attacking and stutters. "I-I forfeit" That's all I needed and smiled walking towards him with my hands glowing again. "Will you let me heal you now? I promise it won't hurt at all" He nods and I set my hands on his chest and stomach. He starts squirming around and I glare at him trying to make him stop so I can focus. "Just stay still and stop squirming. DAMN IT!" If looks could kill this camper would be dead. I lost concentration and his cuts started to open back up.


The kid looks at me feeling his injuries open up again and starts freaking out. I rest my hands back on his chest and stomach trying to heal him again but it isn't working. "Fuck me. Why now of all times?" I look over at him and pick him up bridal style trying to be careful of his cuts. I ran around other campers with my mind clouded with thoughts. I hate when I need to help others, my mind is never clear. Fuck I need to stop thinking and clear my mind. I arrived at the infirmary tent and walked in setting him down and grabbing bandages. I was in the process of cleaning his wounds and dressing them when Annabeth walked in. "Wow, congrats on hurting another camper MaiMai." She starts slowly clapping with sarcasm and I roll my eyes clenching my teeth in both anger and annoyance. "Just leave me alone Annabeth" My mind starts showing me flashbacks of my foster family and the abusive things the said and did to me. I struggle to see past the flashbacks and keep helping the kid. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder and I flinch turning around and seeing Chiron "Maileen, are you ok?" I nod my head and run my hand down my face feeling small tears on my cheeks. I stand up handing the bandages to Chiron and walking out of the tent to my cabin. I see the little kids staring at me and I look away not wanting them to see their big sister figure looking weak. I get to my cabin and sit on my top bunk and bury my head in my hands the flashbacks getting the best of me.

Maileen Sloane: The Lightening TheifWhere stories live. Discover now