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   2 right hooks, left hook, kick to the middle to turn around, dodge right. Fuck didn't see that coming. Flip back then cartwheel, kick at her knees. I was following what my mind told me and what instinct told me to do. I see my dagger about 5 feet away. I yelp in pain when I feel a sharp object pierce my right thigh. I stumble to the ground close enough to reach my dagger. I grab it and swing at the girl in front of me. Aka Annabeth.

I cut her cheek and smirk a stand up quickly and lean on my left leg. I gather the light around me and and send it at her eyes to blind her. I then limp over to her and grab her in a chokehold. She taps my arm and I let go. I turn my back to her and start to limp my way to my bag. My adrenaline rush starts to lower and I feel the blood rushing down my leg and the throbbing pain. I reach my bag and sit on the ground. The bandages I need don't seem to be in there and I let out a groan of annoyance and pain.

I grab a small bag of Ambrosia and look at it before putting it back. What the hell are you doing? You need that or else you're gonna regret it. My hand gives a signal to Annabeth to come over and even though I don't like her I feel the need to do this. I set my right hand on her forehead and my left on her left shoulder. My hands glow and the gash on her cheek is healed along with the one I gave to her at the beginning. I let my hands fall to my side and try to stand up but my leg gives out. I fall back to the ground and inwardly groan. I close my eyes and try to think of a plan.

My energy is drained from the fight and healing Annabeth but I need to make it out of here before one of the younger kids see me. My eyes open to see a hand in front of me. I look up to see Annabeth there and take her hand. She wraps my arm around her shoulder while asking, "Why didn't you use your ambrosia? There's plenty here and you sure look like you need it." I shrug my shoulders while limping next to Annabeth and thank her quietly.

We near the infirmary but see a monster, a teenager about my age, and Grover. I shake Annabeth and point telling her to take us over there. She lets me go and runs over. I glare at her back and run over while more like jog because of my leg. I quickly tear a piece of fabric from my shirt and tie it above the wound so it won't bleed as bad. We watch the kid take down the Minotaur and see both Grover and the kid go unconscious. I limp my way to Grover and kneel next to him, my hands glow but it's very faint and weak I place my hands on his forehead and chest and attempt to heal him. He wakes up but isn't fully healed just enough to walk to camp. I stand and stumble falling onto the ground, at this point my leg is completely numb and I'm fully drained of energy. My eyes start to close and all I see is black. That is until another vision happens.


I see the boy, Annabeth, Grover, and me standing in front of Hades. While I'm more or less swaying from the lack of actually light that isn't from fire.
Annabeth and I have a lady grasped on to our wrists and the sound of snakes near.
Only Annabeth and Percy are standing in front of the 12 gods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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