Chapter 3: A Shocking Day 👶👪

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About after a little over 30 minutes of unpacking, the house was finished. It was decorated with a few pictures on the walls, clothes hanged up in the closet, sheets and blankets spread out on the bed, pretty lights on the ceiling and lamps on tables and nightstands. "Wow honey! This house looks amazing! Its looks better than are original home!" Daisy beamed. "Yeah, it does" Roy said. "So uh, what do we do know honey?" Daisy asked. "Hm, how 'bout we go on a little outing. You know, like a date?" Roy asked. "Oh I would love to!" Daisy exclaimed. "Here, let me go get my red dress on!" Daisy said. Roy extended his arm, touching Daisy on the shoulder by his hand. "Babe, you don't need to be all fancy. We're just go'n out to eat for a little bit" Roy said. "Ok then honey!" Daisy said, walking back to Roy. Roy's arm went back in place. "So honey, where should we go out to eat?" Daisy asked. Roy thought, then he got a idea. "Follow me to the car, I have a nice place we can go eat" Roy said. "Wait Roy!" Daisy said. "What?" Roy asked. "Not to be rude or anything you think that its a good idea to wear that pinkish-purple shirt out in public? Since your a guy and all..." Daisy asked. "Its fine, I wear weird stuff all the time. Now c'mon babe, we gotta go for are night out" Roy said. "Ok honey!" Daisy said, following Roy out to the car. They both got in the car. Roy then started up the car and they were on they're way...

About 15 minutes had pasted when they got to the restaurant. They got out of the car, heading up to the entrance. Roy pulled open the door. "Ladies first" Roy said, gesturing his hand saying to come in. "Oh thank you kind sir!" Daisy giggled. Daisy walked in, Roy following behind. When they went in, the waiter walked up to them. "Hello! How many people are in your party this evening?" The waiter asked. "Just us two sir" Roy said. "Alrighty then! Follow me to your table please" The waiter said. Roy and Daisy both followed the waiter to a nice looking table with a window on the side, giving a nice view of the town. "Alright, what would you guys like to drink?" The waiter asked. "Oh! I'll have some tea please!" Daisy said. "Ok, and how about you sir?" The waiter asked. "I'll have some water please" Roy said. The waiter wrote the two drinks down on his little notepad. "Alright, your drinks will be here shortly" The waiter said, walking off. Daisy look around the room, seeing a lot of people. "Wow, there are sure a lot of people here honey!" Daisy beamed. "Yeah, this place probably has some good food and a lot of business" Roy said. "Yeah, maybe your right!" Daisy exclaimed. "Alright, here are your drinks" The waiter said, setting the two drinks on the table. "Thank you!" Daisy beamed. "Your welcome! Now, what would you guys like to eat?" The waiter asked. "Um, do you guys have any burgers here?" Roy asked. "Yep, we sure do! Would you like to have one of those sir?" The waiter asked, getting out his small notepad and pen again. "Yeah" Roy said while nodding. "Ok, and how about you miss?" The waiter asked. " you have any salads?" Daisy asked. "Yep, we do! Would you like to have that?" The waiter asked. "Yes please" Daisy said politely. The waiter wrote everything down. "Alright, your food will be here shortly" The waiter said, walking away. Roy took a big bite out of his burger. "Mmm...this burger is sooooo good" Roy said, eating more of it. Daisy ate a little bit of her salad. "Mm! This salad is good too! Know wonder lots of people come here! They love this place!" Daisy said, eating more of her salad. "Yeah, they got some pretty good food here, most of the restaurants we went before sucked" Roy said. "I know, their food was SO horrible!" Daisy exclaimed. "Yeah" Roy said, taking the last bite of his burger. "Wow, you ate that burger fast!" Daisy said. "Yeah, I eat food fast, I have no idea why" Roy laughed. Daisy laughed too. "Oh Roy, have I ever told you that your the most coolest person I've ever met" Daisy said, trying to sound dreamy in her voice. "Heh, I think you said that over one hundred times by now" Roy joked. Just Then, Daisy put her red lips on Roy's lips, making him kiss back in return. It was a short kiss, but they both enjoyed it. Then, Daisy let go of Roy's lips and sat back in her seat, Roy did the same. "Wow! That was the best kiss I've ever had! Even if it was short!" Daisy said, beaming so bright. "Yeah, it almost done with your salad babe?" Roy asked. "Yep! Almost done!" Daisy said. She ate the tiny bit of salad that was in the bowl. "Ok! Now I'm done!" Daisy said. "Alright, lets go" Roy said, getting up out if the seat. Daisy got up out of her seat too, walking with Roy to the front. Roy opened up the door for Daisy again, letting her pass and him following behind. They both got in the car, driving away back to their home...

A few weeks later, Daisy was starting to feel...sick. She wasn't feeling right at all! Her head hurts, her back hurts, and her stomach hurts too. She felt awful. She went online to see why she was getting all of this pain, but nothing helped. So, there was only one last thing that she could use...a birth monitor. She was in the bathroom, taking the monitor out of the tiny box. She sat down on the stool, putting the small monitor on her stomach. After a few minutes, she took the monitor off of her stomach. She looked and the monitor and said...she was pregnant! "Oh my god!! I'm pregnant!!" Daisy was filled with joy. "Oh my goodness I have to tell Roy about this!" Daisy ran out of the bathroom, going to the bedroom. She opened up the door, seeing Roy with a blue cat sweater on, playing on a new game system they got. "Hey Roy, I have something shocking to tell you!" Daisy beamed. Roy paused his game. "What is it babe?" Roy asked. "Look what it says on this monitor!" Daisy said, holding out the small monitor for Roy too see. Roy saw what the monitor said, and he was shocked. "Y-...YOUR PREGNANT?!" Roy yelled excitedly. "Yeah! I am!" Daisy exclaimed. "OH MY GOD! I GET TO BE A DAD!" Roy cheered. "Well, I see that someone is happy!" Daisy giggled. "Yes! I am happy! I always wanted to be a father!" Roy exclaimed. "Well I guess your dream came true! Your going to be a father and I'm going to be a mother!" Daisy beamed. "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!" Roy cheered. This was the most happiest day of his life...

About a month later, Daisy and Roy were at the hospital, seeing their new born baby boy. "Aw, look at him honey! Isn't he cute?" Daisy whispered. "Yeah, hes really cute babe" Roy said, looking at the tiny yellow baby. "What should we name him?" Daisy whispered. "Hm...oh, I got some names. How 'bout either Manny, Doi, Danny, Dawson...any of those?" Roy asked. "Hm...those names don't really go with him" Daisy said. "Then what are we gonna name him?" Roy asked. "Well, since we really can't think of a actual real name, how about...Yellow Guy?" Daisy asked. "Hm, that sounds like a nice name for him" Roy said. They both looked down at their new born baby, smiling...

 They both looked down at their new born baby, smiling

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