Chapter 4: Seeing Things 👀

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5 years later, Yellow Guy grew to be a cute little kid. He was learning new things every day and experiencing new things! He was a adorable little child, and Daisy and Roy were proud of that. Roy's dream was to become a father, playing and having fun with his child. He didn't really care if it was a boy or a girl, he just wanted to be a father. Daisy was happy that Roy's dream came true and he was happy as can be. But today, Roy, Daisy, and Yellow Guy were looking for new clothes. Roy went wanted to look for clothes by himself while Daisy and Yellow Guy look for toddler clothes. First, Roy looked through the men's section. He looked and looked for new shirts to wear. After minutes and minutes of searching, he finally found a shirt he liked. It was a orange shirts with a nice light orange design on it. Roy really liked it and held on to it. Then, he looked in the women's section to find a accessory for his hair. He was trying to find something orange that would match his shirt. Then, he looked on the very high shelf. He saw a orange flower hair clip. So, he used his long stretchy arm to get it, and he did. He held the orange flower hair clip in his hair. He then walked off, finding Daisy and Yellow Guy. After a few short minutes, Roy found his wife and his son. "Hey babe, hey son" Roy said, waving 'Hi'. "Hi dad!" Yellow Guy said, his cute little face looking up at Roy's. "Hi honey! Look what clothes I got for Yellow Guy!" Daisy said, showing some of the clothes. Daisy got some pants, shirts, and Yellow Guy's first pair of overalls that were a light blue color with a letter 'D' in the middle. "Hm, these are some nice clothes, the overalls are my favorite" Roy said. "Yeah! I like them too! But I mostly like the shirts and pants" Daisy said. "Hey dad, what did you get?" Yellow Guy said, pointing to Roy's clothes. "Oh, well I just got a orange shirt with a orange flower hair clip to go with it" Roy said. "Wow!" Yellow Guy exclaimed. "Roy, why do you always get girl stuff?" Daisy asked. "Because babe, it looks nice with the outfit. Like, take a look at your clothes, you almost have a accessory with every outfit you wear. So, why can't I do the same? Its fun and I like to do it" Roy explained. "Oh, well that makes since!" Daisy giggled. "Yeah, and also these hair accessories look really good with my long blue hair" Roy said, giving Daisy a cool guy look. Yellow Guy and Daisy both giggled at Roy. "And by the way, before we go, why is your hair so long anyways?" Daisy asked. "Because I'm I like it long and I'm to lazy to cut it" Roy said. "Oh...well um, lets go!" Daisy said, taking Yellow Guy's hand and walking to the exit, Roy following behind them...

After the whole shopping spree was over, the family was back at their home. Roy tried on his new clothes he got and they fitted great! He looked himself in the mirror, seeing him wearing the orange shirt and flower hair clip on his head. "Wow, I look fresh as heck wearing this" Roy said. He then walked out of the bedroom, wanting to show Daisy his outfit. He was walking to Daisy in the kitchen, when suddenly...Roy saw a faint strange looking notepad on the table, but it wasn't just any regular notepad, this one had eyes, a mouth, arms, and hands! The notepad then sang a weird song: "Whats your favorite idea? Mine is being creative!" Roy started to freak out and screamed. He ran to Daisy, shivering in panic. "B-BABE THERE'S A TALKING NOTEPAD ON THE TABLE!!" Roy screamed, tugging on Daisy's arm. "Roy, Roy! Calm down! Wheres this talking notepad at?" Daisy asked calmly. Roy quickly pulled her to where he saw the talking notepad at. "THERE! RIGHT THERE!" Roy yelled, pointing to where the notepad was. "Uh...I don't see a talking notepad on there honey" Daisy said. "Y-YOU DON'T SEE IT?! ITS RIGHT THERE ON THAT TINY TABLE!" Roy pointed to it again. "...I still don't see it honey, maybe you've had a long day and need some rest, come on Roy" Daisy took Roy to the bedroom and he laid on the bed. "B-Babe, I sware I saw that talking notepad on the table..." Roy said. "Honey, you just need some rest, you'll feel better when you done napping ok?" Daisy said. Roy sighed. "Ok babe..." Roy said. Daisy covered Roy's body with blankets. "Goodnight honey, have a good nap" Daisy said. "Goodnight babe" Roy said. Daisy closed the door slowly. 'Ugh...I sware I saw that notepad thingy...but, Daisy didn't see it...i-its probably nothing, maybe i just need some rest like Daisy said...' Roy thought, drifting into a good sleep...

' Roy thought, drifting into a good sleep

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